Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [conj] [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm if er the extent to which a new settlement would generate new trips and that that has a locational implication .
2 In most cases the cobbler works around these elements and if possible replaces a damaged area with a comparable material .
3 The therapist encouraged them to consider the possibility that the act might be understood in terms of both these motives and that this highlighted the need for improved communication between them .
4 Potassium-argon dating can be applied to volcanic rocks such as lavas and tuffs and although difficult to measure the decay , it attains its maximum usefulness in the Middle and Early Pleistocene and can be used for a range greater than 20,000 years .
5 Not all bureau have all the fonts and while most have a good range from the Adobe/Linotype collection few seem to cater for the other vendors such as Monotype , Compugraphic , etc , etc .
6 On Oct. 10 the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) claimed that the RAF had been deployed without prior consultation with state governments and that this constituted an infringement of the rights of state governments to administer law and order .
7 When Miss Harding decided to end the 18 month relationship Assin wrote her letters and poems and when these failed the prosecution alleged he made a phone call and threatened to kill her .
8 The torches beam picked out a notice telling of the Covenanters who had been imprisoned there three hundred and fifty years before and another commemorating the once famous Scots buried under the damp , heavy earth .
9 These are : that Braverman ignores worker resistance ; that management may be ignorant of the most effective ways of meeting worker recalcitrance ; that there are more ways of killing a cat than skinning it ( in other words , that there are mechanisms other than fragmentation and de-skilling which management can use to control recalcitrant labour ) ; that technological and market opportunities vary across firms and that these influence the outcome of the struggle between capital and labour over the form of work organisation which is adopted ; and that the tight control of labour and the need to maximise output from individual workers may not be management 's most dominant concern in every case .
10 The reason for this is that Field 's New Tribe is imbued with the rather vague mission of transmitting ‘ Western techniques ’ to traditional societies and although this opens the door to many fascinating details about the structures of culture contact , it is at a rather high level of generality for explanatory purposes and it seriously underplays the role of the classes responsible for capitalist expansionism .
11 It is impossible to teach children as though each fits a neatly turned theory .
12 Most contemporary writers on gender relations today recognize that there are important aspects of inequality between men and women and that these have a broad social significance .
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