Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm however erm it it does sound as though it 's one of these policies where as I suspected and said earlier today that it really does n't have any effect on anything and it 's probably something that could be erm crossed out and nobody would even notice it had gone .
2 The access funds supplement the main package of student support and allow universities , polytechnics and colleges to give discretionary support where access to higher education might be inhibited by financial considerations or where they consider that students face real financial difficulties .
3 It was very confusing , key words , when we started using key words and when we asked because something was n't there , and we consulted the script , we were still cutting words out , but , at , the script was definite , but sort of like , two of them well they had doubts , and like we started cutting words out , and then like , the words that were out .
4 G-ARJU has an equipped empty weight of 2564 lbs and if you subtract that from the maximum weight of 3800 lbs there is a useful load of 1236 lbs .
5 I I simply , I simply want er er a direct message from from the programme which is going on Chairman incidentally I I note that Nottinghamshire County Council erm has found a a and the Labour group there has found it necessary to tackle just the same problems erm in elderly persons homes and that I understand that they have a a closure list of seven , now presumably that has been drawn up from a long list of a lot more than seven , say fourteen or fifteen from which they 've made their final choice .
6 We auc we auctioned the books after as you know and erm so I I 'll have to make a new list of what 's left and let you have it .
7 Keith and I had got engaged four months before and we said if I did get pregnant we would get married but we never did .
8 It is angering to meet with the retort from some doctors that this is so much mumbo-jumbo , when they have not themselves lived in malarial areas and when they know that the present anti-malarial drugs on offer are not failsafe .
9 Julia felt better once she was on her feet and when she remembered that Comfort was due to arrive that evening cheered up even more .
10 His own sense of Scottishness was nurtured in Leeds where his soldier father was dispatched for wartime treatment for burns and where he met and married Ian 's mother .
11 The list must specify the names and addresses of the creditors concerned , the amount of their debts and whether they support or oppose the petition .
12 He struggled on and , with less than 50 per cent of his sight restored , took this year 's annual meeting of the NCC without betraying his difficulties except when he said when taking questions : ‘ I will ask my deputy to point you out for obvious reasons . ’
13 partners own equity in those businesses and as they thrive and prosper and grow the value of that equity increases .
14 This trend was welcomed by articulate working class women 's groups such as the Women 's Cooperative Guild , because of poor working class housing conditions and because they believed that working class wives needed a respite from the cares of managing a household .
15 I 'm here because I believe that we share many objectives and because I know that there 's more that unites us than divides us .
16 Right so you touch its extremities and if you feel that its little feet are lovely and warm you know that it 's alright , okay ?
17 The thousands of children who are born every year , we do n't even know in this country how many there are , because the figures the ca n't be kept , er er and these tend to be children erm born of er , anonymous donors and and I think that as a society we are wreaking such problems for the future , we 're creating secrets for families , and I would really like to hear from my fellow women here about that .
18 However , I know that my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House is operating under constraints and that he feels that those arrangements represent the best way to proceed .
19 And there will be opportunities to apply for support from the British Film Institute and elsewhere erm in order that we can expand er what we 're doing in that area and I , I just wanted to let the board know about that and to say that erm er this is the route that I 'm currently taking and erm I will be reporting to them when there are specific developments and that I hope that you approve of er me attempting to expand our provision in this area .
20 But the claims of programmes must be scrutinized carefully , not because they offer wrong answers but because they assume that there are answers .
21 They kept peering about on all sides as though they knew that he was not far off but they seemed reluctant to leave the path .
22 The Gods , in his opinion , chase after ‘ Daphne ’ and ‘ Syrinx ’ not because they were women but because they anticipated that they would turn into trees .
23 I am not saying they 're all pussycats but if you love and respect them , they will return those qualities tenfold .
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