Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] 've [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You could say well , Jackie took this and you got one leg on this table shorter than the other legs and we 've jammed it under there levels the table up .
2 Actually , actually wanted new trainers and they 've got them there
3 he said oh do n't want speakers cos I 've got them there
4 All you had to do here was to move back a few steps and you 've made it much more interesting in the foreground .
5 You 've only been there eighteen months while I 've known it all my life .
6 This , however , is what we do , together with a big ‘ Thank you ’ for all the news and views that you 've given us in 1991 .
7 I 've almost given up on the London Borough of Bromley because the land , the areas that they 've offered us have been quite impractical and although we 've got , you know , croquet is a cheap sport .
8 They 'll be exclamations and things they 're just exclamations that they 've heard I think on television .
9 They say well we 've offered you three blocks and you 've turned them all down and you say well yes but you 've offered us blocks not not
10 Or pay the repair bills when you 've crushed us up against a wall . ’
11 Sir David continues to ask me every couple of hours if I 've done it yet . ’
12 right , that 's it , you 've , you 've told me this three times and I 've told you several times as well , the , the Russians put everything they 've got into military technology , just because , just because their kids are still running around
13 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
14 It 's we 're very conscious that erm the costs that we 've incurred we need to keep strapped down to a minimum , but we have to manage a forty million pound organisation and you can not do this on the back of an envelope .
15 I really ca n't answer for David because in all the years that I 've known him , I always actually found him a rather cold person , even when I was 14 and he was 16 , even as boy and girlfriend .
16 In Wroxons I get my plants and they 've got them cheaper than .
17 I 've got very sensitive gums cos I 've brushed them badly
18 It 's two years since we 've done it so we 've got two years ’ worth of playing and they 've got two years ' worth of applause . ’
19 Oh it must be fifty years since I 've seen her .
20 ‘ It 's three years since I 've seen him , long before all this business .
21 ‘ It 's years since I 've seen them .
22 Why you 're doing this Christmas , it may be my last , John said what do you mean , I said well , I do n't know if I 'm going to be in a classroom this time next year , I mean , I really enjoy Christmas with the children , fifteen years since I 've done it , I 've forgotten how I enjoyed myself .
23 Yes , but I 've , they 've got to guarantee the repair for at least two years after they 've done it .
24 Exactly , that 's what I 'm doing , I 'm doing it that way , I 'm doing the basics , which will get the marks and I 'm doing , going back and adding extra little sods when I 've finished it oh God
25 ‘ What do you do with the ghosts when you 've got them ? ’
26 And then I went and showed her all forms , all these form things that they 've got I were letting her read it .
27 The the Council looking at the whole process of how it spends it money what it does , I think the theatre the start of this evening we were looking quite close about what we do and how we do it what we do n't do and what we should do and I think from what 's been said this evening will be re look closely the questions you 've raised things that you 've raised we 'll report it back to you in the hope of this meeting that we 'll actually moved forward because I think it 's in everybody interest everybody 's interest if the playhouse closes .
28 You have limited er suppliers who you choose er having heard the figures that you 've given us today erm i it seems to me that there is very little control of that expenditure .
29 And I just go through all the catastrophes that I 've bought you , so from now on it 's cash , just cash .
30 We 're so sure about the reliability of our washing machines that we 've given them a full 5-year parts guarantee .
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