Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] [is] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
2 Rod Wallace appears to be producing some good performances although he 's not putting all his chances away — those misses in the first half on Saturday would probably be crucial against a good side .
3 This does , however , prove so difficult in most cases that it is not recommended .
4 Until now , foreign aid agencies have chosen to ignore the opium growing around them , or chosen to operate in areas where it is not cultivated .
5 The latter may not realise in a coherent way what is afoot , but it knows that the duty of a government is to provide law and order and senses that it is not deploying its resources to do so .
6 Firstly , it is inadvisable to take remedies consisting of mixtures as no homoeopathic provings have been done on mixtures and it is not known whether the effects of these are different from the effects of their individual components .
7 She can go on like that for hours if she is n't stopped ’ .
8 The most famous example is the Rainbow Lobby , which reminds donors in unreadably small footnotes to its fliers that it is not affiliated with Jesse Jackson 's Rainbow Coalition .
9 Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze showed that the USSR had not forgotten the ZOPFAN impulse in informing Sitthi that ‘ there can be no calm or stability in a region in which there exist foreign military bases and which is not protected from the military rivalry of non-regional powers ’ .
10 They have obviously been through a very bad time over the last few days and it is n't going to get any better over the next few weeks . ’
11 However , there are other less ambitious examples of the kind of information which the accounts could provide about inputs but which is not provided by cash flow accounting .
12 He must try to convince delegates that he is not to blame for Britain 's economic mess if he wants to keep his job .
13 Tony Meek says it means the world to be in the race and its a dream come true … he gets his dogs ready by walking them in the forest every morning … they have good food … weetabix … honey and milk for breakfast … cooked meat … raw meat and vegatables for tea … he says his dogs have a good chance of winning they 're second and third favourites and he 's not bothered which one does it …
14 Thus the male is required to identify with other males but he is not allowed to desire them ; indeed , identification with should actually preclude desire for .
15 I can tell him things because he 's not involved , as you and Adams are . ’
16 Take the High Road , which has been running for 13 years , does n't make the ratings tables because it is not slotted in a peak viewing time across the country .
17 It 's just there to take the edge off things when it 's not settling on it 's own .
18 More worrying , the long-finned gene seems to be creeping into broods where it 's not wanted .
19 Why did n't he go with the swimmers if he 's not doing anything ? ’
20 Something 's eating the profits and it 's not entered here .
21 But of course if salaries go up evenly throughout a forty year lifespan and the Chairman is given a forty year lifespan which is quite or pension lifespan which is quite a suitable one , if salaries go up and someone leaves their company every ten years , then the first three departures are obviously going to be at much lower salary levels and it 's not going to be satisfactory the first three departures are just index linked to inflation , there is the problem of how does one index link them towards the final salary .
22 Harriet 's voice drops but she 's not listening .
23 In the first place it is to be accepted that it is made in wide terms though it is not said that they are so imprecise that there is a doubt as to what is covered by the order .
24 Bernier constantly contrasts Mughal India and seventeenth-century France : the Jumna compares favourably with the Loire , he thinks ; adultery is easier in Paris than it is in Delhi : ‘ in France it only excites merriment , but in this part of the world there are few instances where it is not followed by some dreadful and tragical catastrophe . ’
25 ‘ must be kept within narrow limits if it is not to shake the confidence of those who habitually and rightly rely on signatures when there is no obvious reason to doubt their validity .
26 I 'm just waiting for an official to say something along the lines of ‘ we ca n't play Roecastle in important Premier league games as he 's not match fit ’ … aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
27 And he 's not wanting flowers and he 's not wanting this , not wanting that , it 's really wanting to keep it a very , quiet small affair .
28 Thirdly , when patients are funded privately in NHS pay beds data are collected by regional health authorities as part of their NHS monitoring , but the information is not passed on to purchasers since it is not covered by contracts .
29 She suspects that she may get rather more exposure to outpatient clinics and theatre sessions than her medical colleagues because they get bogged down on the wards with tasks that she is not allowed to do .
30 I was always the buffer between the two , I used to say I agree with you dear , I do n't want her to wear nylons , that 's not the point , all her friends are wearing nylons and she 's not going to be the
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