Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This attitude has changed somewhat over the years and there are now fewer homes than there used to be .
2 Is it more , or less distinct from other subjects than it used to be ? ) produced some interesting answers :
3 The composer does not specify when this change is to be made ; it is entirely the player 's affair , but it does mean that it is safer to write high notes than it used to be .
4 Even Japan has given up the fight in some market areas where they used to be world leaders : And even the new industrial nations , in their turn , will eventually be undercut and have to move on : To what ?
5 The centre is One , the outer fringe is Six ; zones where there used to be neighbourhoods .
6 THE name of the current month shows in its Latin origins that it used to be the 10th month of the year , not the 12th .
7 ‘ As a result it is better protected against cold winds than it used to be . ’
8 The Emblem of the Holy Trinity ( lo/ 320 ) belonged to the Guild of the Stonecutters and there used to be a statue of a stonecutter above the door .
9 The horse fair has been happening here for decades and it used to be a time of celebration when the market square at Stow was filled by a Fun fair aswell , but after a flare up last year the Fair 's owners wo n't be coming back .
10 The horse fair has been happening here for decades and it used to be a time of celebration when the market square at Stow was filled by a Fun fair aswell , but after a flare up last year the Fair 's owners wo n't be coming back .
11 Having explained that his Communism was an aspect of his campaign for black equality he thundered at the committee : ‘ You are the non-patriots , you are the UnAmericans and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves . ’
12 now then the E E C said this should of happened so we , we got a petition up and I thought , we got , well I did n't but the lads got over two hundred signatures and they must of been er two letters went to the Corporation and everyone was talking er critical
13 It seems much more exciting these days than it used to be .
14 The mill-house , with its white-painted cast iron footbridge over the river below the weir , forms a seductive spot for photographers , painters , picnickers and what used to be called courting couples , but are now gender-opposite persons endeavouring to establish meaningful relationships by pair-bonding and role-playing .
15 w er only sailing boats and they used to be anchored here years ago , down on the beach there .
16 I 'm old , I know I 'm old and I ca n't do all the things that I used to be able to do .
17 The erm but most of us are when yo , when you first join something you can always see the things that you ought to be able to change .
18 I will be arguing in this address that we have been as guilty as many other sections of our community in treating it too lightly , or in putting it lower down in our order of priorities than it ought to be ; but it has never been entirely absent from Christian thought or theology .
19 I have stopped telling customers that it used to be ripened under piles of manure , as it seemed to stop them from buying it .
20 We 're more conscious of these things than we used to be , before .
21 But we all have our own ideas about the answers to these big questions and it ought to be left to the discretion of class teachers to allow their pupils to learn about life 's problems in their own time and at their own pace .
22 The risk , they argued , was judging South Africa 's rugby resources as they used to be , not what they might become .
23 And , and , and lets remember that the first big shock that British sportsmen got , the first shaking of the earth which intimated that we were n't so hot at these things as we used to be was in professional sport , it was in football , it was when the Hungarians beat England in nineteen-fifty-six , and the Hungarian army officer Elista Pushkas became erm a world figure because he 'd led the team that had humbled British football might .
24 And underneath this archway you used to have meat stalls and fish stalls and it used to be called the shambles .
25 There 's more violence on the buses than there used to be .
26 This , I believe , is against the law , but it is a law that deserves to be broken , for it is the puritanical nonsense of excluding children — and therefore to some extent , women — from pubs that has turned these places into mere boozing-shops instead of the family gathering-places that they ought to be . ’
27 Ramsey entered this conference with a reputation outside England as well as inside it ; and the proceedings of the conference confirmed the opinion of a lot of bishops that he ought to be their next leader .
28 Nurses were more highly educated and accountable for their actions as professionals than they used to be .
29 THE husband of a heavily-pregnant woman found hanging in a garage told one of her friends that he used to be a backing guitarist for Eric Clapton , a court heard yesterday .
30 One used to be called the bottoms and one used to be called the Meadow Flats and yet they both led to the same place .
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