Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] [modal v] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But , I think if we have further discussions with churches and districts that we might see that we can break that a bit further for that reason when we come to er , come to the resolutions I would advise you er er propose a minor amendment with the second thing .
2 Take just a few more risks and you 'll find that the wild world is not as unkind as you may have believed .
3 society you ca n't going to survive unless you have a woman back in the having the kids and we might see that as a you know you laugh when I say that , you know
4 Now the response , what they have done is they 've had a look , we have looked briefly at some of the aspects , overall aspects and you 'll find that in a number of these things , Oxford City Council is already quite heavily involved .
5 There were obvious problems resulting from the overcrowding of working-class homes but we may speculate that the social-purity agitation over incest reflected middle-class anxieties and tensions concerning the sanctity of the family rather than the objective reality of working-class conditions .
6 Mr Botham explained his reasoning , saying : ‘ Farmers have enjoyed exaggerated returns in recent months but they should remember that we as a country have to import many of our basic raw materials and as the pound has fallen costs have risen on a pro rata basis . ’
7 This book does contain a few games with winners but I must say that , on the whole , I do not like elimination games .
8 I , I do n't often agree with Jim about anything , but I really do agree with him about this , that there has to be some clear guidelines , I think , as to how these are fixed , they are not going be have the potential of being very unfair to people because people operate in different ways in different areas and I would suggest that it would be a good idea if this community were to ask for erm guidelines to be drafted for this committee to agree so that there is a more even fair , laid down procedure for dealing with the cases coming before the panel .
9 Influenced by developments such as these , substantial public support began to develop for measures which would protect the position of the indigenous nationalities and which would ensure that economic decisions were taken with a greater degree of consideration for local circumstances .
10 David , just looking at your situation , I know you 're er , a young chap and you have a young family , and we 've er , discussing your existing circumstances and I can see that at the moment er , funds in the family budget are a little bit tight .
11 If this is a difficulty , the solution is to allow firms to present a case for exemption from those rules if they can demonstrate that the public interest will be furthered thereby .
12 What I was talking about are your inclinations and I would suggest that you know nothing about them at all . ’
13 PLEASE CONTINUE , those of you who have difficulty are reminded that a list of fundraising ideas was sent out with the last notes and we would hope that the areas would get together and hold rallies and/or cheese and wine evenings/coffee mornings etc .
14 Since those cases were decided there have been many scientific advances and it would seem that chances of establishing whether or not there are causal relationships between the act alleged to be negligent and the damage alleged to have been suffered as a consequence are better now than formerly .
15 I ca n't of course foretell er what 's gon na happen in Eastern Europe , but looking externally er at the lower interest rates and the er more competitive value of the pound and internally at the improved cash flow and the actions that we 've been taking over for the past couple of years and I can say that there 's now generally a more optimistic feeling in the air amongst our group companies .
16 So what I intend to do from this week is that very thing , try and fill in as it were and er make up for what was n't covered in the classes because I must admit that this year I 've been struck by the high st high standard of the class presentations .
17 Er I think er if the honourable gentleman checks the record he will find that my right honourable friend said that America did not have a national statutory minimum wage but I 'm most I 'm most grateful to the honourable gentleman for reminding us of the international comparisons because he will know that the country in Europe which has embraced his policy of a statutory minimum wage is Spain and Spain has twice the level of unemployment of the European average and twice the level in this country .
18 take all the gowns up to er Marston 's , Selfridges all the gowns that I used to make that we used to make .
19 Look closer with your lights and you will see that these great patches are naked babies , like small shiny plums , packed together two thousand to the square yard .
20 If they did , they would be forced to answer parliamentary questions and they might find that they were responsible for feeding the refugee population .
21 I said mark the chap that she 's got at the moment is taking her out to discos and things and she 'll find that he does n't really want to kick in and help to support her .
22 Erm the next erm feature is the yellow one for the Liberal Democrats , there 's one Liberal Democrat typographical error and that 's on the second page page four of the resolutions and you 'll see that in the second column there 's a total three , three , three five , that should be amended to , sorry three , three , three five that should be amended to three , one , five , five and then where it says nine the resource budget immediately below that nine , four , five , ninety four five O , it 's three hundred and sixty thousand , three hundred and sixty million , six hundred thousand , that stays the same .
23 Highways made the point that the yellow-line alterations and refuge islands are based on the present stop positions and they would prefer that these not be altered until we have experience of the new arrangements in operation .
24 We gave up expecting GLF to solve our problems because we could see that it was essentially a movement built around the freedom to choose and practise your own sexuality .
25 With the ribber carriage separated from the main carriage ( without yarn ) take it slowly across these needles and you will note that ALTERNATE needles come higher than the others .
26 The only other thing I would say is that we have in the report used the words , freedom to run and since writing the report we have been advised that er that is capa not capable or satisfactorily with legal terms and I would suggest that instead of the words , freedom to run we use the words , access management and permissive rights of way , to cover these .
27 Two golden shafts of light from the yard lamp crossed their bodies and he could see that they were lying on a mixture of old sacks and loose hay .
28 The fact that the employer 's turnover ( and ultimate viability ) is to a large extent periled on supply contracts entered into because of formal tying agreements or informal ‘ understandings ’ does not augur well for the employee 's prospects unless he can show that the patent influenced the customer to buy on the scale which he did .
29 He has the less scruple in issuing such orders because he can say that he is really doing what is in the man 's own highest interest .
30 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
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