Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 TIES emblazoned with Santas and Rudolphs with red noses that light up at the touch of a button and seductive pictures of Marilyn Monroe are all part of Tie Rack 's campaign strategy for Christmas .
2 Corbett narrowed his eyes and squinted up at the sky .
3 He measured out thirty paces and stared up at the crenellated boundary wall which was about twenty feet high .
4 She straightened her shoulders and gazed up at the unremitting blue of the sky .
5 LENNY KAYE , sometime guitarist and sometime producer , is a man in his 40s with facial lines that turn up at the edges and spell affability .
6 LENNY KAYE , sometime guitarist and sometime producer , is a man in his 40s with facial lines that turn up at the edges and spell affability .
7 However , ’ he stamped his feet and looked up at the darkened mass of the church , ‘ no one , not even in Southwark , can be that degenerate .
8 The coroner stamped his feet and looked up at the star-filled sky .
9 Once more on his feet and staring up at the bell rope , Jasper said , ‘ D' you know what I 'd like ?
10 He sucked in deep , racking breaths and looked up at the two men .
11 He arrived at 1.30am on the first day , slept for a few hours and turned up at the clubhouse to find he was in the field .
12 Also had further letter from Notts County Council about Nottinghamshire Minerals local plan , asking us again if we have any representations to make , I think it was decided at a previous meeting that we did not , erm Colin Williamson , production of development and planning at Newton and Sherwood District Council , it 's proposal to run seminars for Parish Councils on planning policies , law and procedures , and we would like to know erm whether erm we would be interested in attending , and how many people would wish , he he has earmarked temporarily twenty eighth of March , which is a Monday , as a possible date at town hall , so if er if you think that would be something that you would be erm interested in going to , the topics erm are really I think things that came up at the Parish Council 's conference , the questions about planning , about the rules , and the policies , and the procedures etcetera , the erm , and visitors were talking last thing for sixth of December for five minutes , and the discussion for half an hour to three quarters , commencing at half past seven , so er if anyone 's interested in attending that ?
13 Finds at the south Iranian site of Shahr-i Sokhta , as well as much further afield in Egypt , suggest that lapis lazuli was circulated in the form of lumps and worked up at the various centres .
14 Learning the moves and warming up at the start of each judo session is hard work .
15 The words of Chris Bott , anarchist or , more politely , ‘ libertarian left ’ , as laid out in giant 36-point type and printed in lurid blue on a red background on the cover of Ink , one of the crop of underground papers that sprang up at the end of the 1960s .
16 He rested his dark head against the pillows and gazed up at the ceiling as he spoke .
17 Unfortunately , over one hour later she found herself lying back against the pillows and staring up at the ceiling , completely unable to go to sleep .
18 Every night a vila — a wicked fairy who lived in the clouds and mist up at the top of the mountain-caused the whole hillside to tremble and heave so that the walls fell down , the stones fell apart , and all their work was to do again .
19 Uncle Buck is the obvious example , but the same can be said about brat pack action movies like Young Guns , family comedies like Parenthood , even blockbuster action like The Abyss double recommended as a trailer because you do n't have to put up with those awful cute aliens that turn up at the end of the film .
20 She rode furiously to the asylum grounds and looked up at the tree where the leaves had run riot in late summer .
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