Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 They are particularly concerned that the poor , elderly and sick will be forced to run up debts or cut down on the amount of electricity , coal , oil and gas they use .
2 As the shadows lengthen , the men can be seen standing around with a pint of beer in hand , while mothers keep watchful eyes on the kids and catch up on the latest gossip .
3 It 's not often you score 3 goals and end up on the losing team .
4 It 's not often you score 3 goals and end up on the losing team .
5 He 'd expected it and just shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the stool .
6 Elisabeth was hot ; she took off her raincoat , set down the knapsack containing her lunch and some books and sat down on the bench opposite a thicket of hazel , through which a path had been cut .
7 She pushed the tray off her knees and lay back on the pillow .
8 Oliver sighed deeply , stuffed his treasure back into his pockets and sat down on the grass to watch .
9 He said the key to SmithKline 's success was its ability to market and sell brands and cash in on the potential of new products .
10 The girls walked in the Rose Gardens and caught up on the past months , discussed the future .
11 However , at the end of 1981 a new superintendent instituted changes which included moving a number of the area 's community police-officers to other duties and clamping down on the activities by local youths which had previously been tolerated .
12 Regrettably , even today , there are a number of health service insiders who feel that they are an exception to these general rules and look down on the ways of industry with the patronizing assurance of those who know that ‘ we are different ’ .
13 I stopped taking my testosterone tablets and went back on the dole again .
14 Other options open to the council include reducing the opening hours of all libraries or cutting back on the money it pends on books .
15 So many lights ; the yellow lights of the arc-lamps that shone down on the river-bank ; the white lights from the flashes of the police photographers ; the blue lights of the police cars that lingered still around the scene .
16 Yet it is easy for pioneer users and IT investors to remain with the tried and tested applications and miss out on the cutting edge opportunities just around the corner .
17 Therefore to make sure of this important condition he took off his trousers and sat down on the seed-bed , thus testing the warmth of Mother Earth through the most sensitive part of his anatomy .
18 Fortified for a final fight , we stuffed everything into our sacks and set off on the laborious slog back up Coire Raibeirt for a buffeted race against darkness over the plateau and down to the vast , eerily deserted car park .
19 As the sun rose into clear skies and burned down on the plain of the Forth , you would say the exposed army opposite would have the worst of it , despite their shields and their awnings .
20 In May these were taken away from the home grazings and put out on the distant moors for the summer .
21 It 's debatable whether PGA is the best golf game , but it 's certainly the easiest to get into without the fuss of reading pages of instructions and swatting up on the physics of the humble golf ball .
22 No pin-ups , just pictures cut from magazines and stuck up on the wall in a kind of patchwork : pictures of lambs and cats and small puppies with ribbons round their necks , country cottages and the tropical beaches that went with advertisements for white rum , whose colours could n't possibly be real .
23 The opportunity for Mass and the chance to meet friends and catch up on the news is much appreciated .
24 But whatever age , Stow offers them the chance to meet up with old friends and catch up on the gossip .
25 Lady Bell wrote of women in Middlesbrough in 1907 being ‘ curiously devoid of public spirit or interest in outside affairs ’ , and some 40 years later , Slater and Woodside described their female respondents as looking out on the world from their homes ‘ as from a beleaguered fortress ’ .
26 I have a great deal of sympathy with all these organisations anyway , and the tremendous number of volunteers that come out on the days .
27 I slithered from his hands and sat down on the ground and he dragged me up .
28 Stopping the pipes and stepping out on the footpath at the side of the river I walked towards the Green Berets .
29 Orthega and Paschero , however , consider all diseases to be due to environmental causes and miss out on the inherited factors present in the cause of the disease .
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