Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] you [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I know that you tend to be inundated with questionnaires but hope you will agree that this is a vital area of concern and will help us find ways of reaching new ways of assisting young people in and into sport .
2 With bows or crossbows you can shoot up the enemy before your core units get to grips with them , or you can attempt to draw enemy missile troops into an exchange to divert fire from the core units as they advance .
3 It 's the same with shadows : the beautiful thing is n't the alligators or bats you can make with your hands , the beautiful thing is the way the shadow image allows you to see so precisely what the outer contour of your own hand really looks like , those little bunches of flesh under each bent finger joint .
4 This section covers some of the entitlements and help you can expect from the ES .
5 For them to give you the service you want they need to know about your ideas and any suggestions and comments you may have to ensure the best possible service .
6 We can provide any special veneers or inlays you may require — the choice is yours .
7 For buses and trains you should consult current timetables .
8 In this land of rich , green fields , isolated villages and parks you will find Shakespeare 's birthplace , at Stratford-upon-Avon , and a wealth of historic landmarks .
9 Opening the control icon gives you a series of cascading menus , which you can easily alter to show programs and functions you might want to perform .
10 TICs also provide advice on tours and visits you can make further afield — to London , for example , or the Sussex countryside , or even across the Channel on a day-trip to France .
11 There are no real limits , other than disk storage , to the number of sizes and styles you could produce using Fontware but it can be very frustrating to find that the size you want is n't there and have to go back to the font compiler to produce it .
12 If you have to go out to earn a living or live up to commitments and promises you should aim to get back as soon as possible .
13 Whether you see SWIFTAIR stickers or SWIFTPACKS you can register or insure your SWIFTAIR items to most countries ( see the International prices and services leaflet ) and a certificate of posting is available , free of charge , on request .
14 There ought to be scope for feedback , a chance for you to express whatever thoughts or concerns you may have at the time .
15 Important : For infectious skin problems such as athlete 's foot , scabies and ringworm you will need to double the quantity of essential oils , or apply neat lavender or tea-tree oil .
16 By means of Crowns and Keys you can tell exactly what services and facilities to expect .
17 Do they provide facts or views you can use ?
18 I warned you I was n't going to be able to consider you and any doubts , hesitations or scruples you might have this time around , and I should have remembered that .
19 You need to consider what consequences , what additional motivating events or rewards you can use to keep you going .
20 The finest selection of Living Flame fires and surrounds you will find anywhere .
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