Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 but they can come and go , I mean the year four they lost two teachers in the last two weeks cos their husbands got other jobs and the contracts were just terminated and , so it 's quite a , a moveable circle of people , er , but just , they have actually sacked one of the lads that came out with us , they wo n't be renewing his contract next year , he only had a two year contract
2 Beside me , Eva , in her jeans and tennis shoes , stepped along lightly , trying to hum one of Charlie 's songs and keep up with my fast pace .
3 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
4 Martin groaned closed eyes and moved forward with his hips .
5 The fascination of this book is in its clear-sighted debunking of the myths which many have fondly mistaken for historical truth : that Columbus was really aiming for Asia , that he and his sailors thought the world was flat , that Queen Isabella pawned her jewels to finance his trips and came down with her husband to wave him off from the docks , or even ( a fondly-cherished delusion ) that these were journeys of discovery rather than intentional acquisition and expansion of the Spanish empire .
6 The hoof sounds came nearer , irregular now as the two horses galloped together , rearing their heads and kicking out with their hind legs .
7 Now , can we cut out the delaying tactics and get on with it ?
8 Nikos shrugged his shoulders and went on with his writing .
9 Within minutes they had roused sleeping children from four of those homes and driven off with them into the murky winter dawn .
10 Now we hung back and got them out of our pockets and joined in with everyone else .
11 As you clasp the feet together , try to pull in your feet and push down with your knees .
12 Release all your prisoners and come out with your hands up .
13 ‘ The various projects were not regarded as competitive , ’ Danischewsky recalled , ‘ so we read each other 's scripts and kicked in with our suggestions and contributions to all the films . ’
14 Those most skilled in carrying out such activities and getting away with them come to be recognized within the group as hooligans .
15 A hawk had swooped low over the field of play , picked up the ball in its claws and flown off with it .
16 The Wise Woman would grit her teeth and get on with it , Eve told herself .
17 The bed was too narrow and Oliver muttered in his sleep and ground his teeth and thrashed about with his fists .
18 Luke Calder was n't the kind of man to let anyone thwart his plans and get away with it !
19 Co-operating with Elena had its rewards and falling out with her could be catastrophic .
20 I am breaking through old patterns and moving forward with my life .
21 The unabashed commercial instincts of several of the players were mitigated , as they believed , by the noble purposes that went along with them .
22 One of the attendants offered him a cup : he did not drink from this but threw out the contents and ran off with it .
23 At that moment the bell rang and the three witches picked up all their belongings and struggled inside with them .
24 You might do some press releases , information gathering , help at press receptions when extra hands are needed , prepare information kits and sit in with your boss at client and supplier meetings .
25 Stop your chops and get on with your dealing .
26 Mr Stephens was careful to read the short poems and finished up with one set not far from the place at which John was hired .
27 History indicates that general practice is not so demanding that unqualified people can not pass themselves off as principals for many years and get away with it .
28 They think they can be thin for a few years and get away with it . ’
29 Unisoft Inc , the London and New York-based Unix house that has been quietly transforming itself into a system integrator and bespoke application developer has broken its near silence of the last couple of years and come out with what it calls a ‘ highly portable ’ version of Unix V.4 — UniPlus+ SVR4/MIPS .
30 Now lay down your weapons and come out with your hands up .
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