Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 He turned and went down the four steps that led into the long , dark , low-ceilinged dining room , returning a moment later with a book from the shelves .
2 as in Tarrow and Suleiman. that in so far as group interests are expressed or mobilised through institutions that survive in the long term .
3 An essential element in job creation is the provision of training for school leavers and retraining for the long term unemployed .
4 Well , she 'd simply have to find the strength within herself to resist that power , she decided grimly , rising to her feet and reaching for the long black dress she 'd laid out earlier to change into .
5 The sun , making a guest appearance between frowning petrol-blue clouds , floodlit the dog daisies and hogweed in the long grass and turned the pitch a stinging viridian .
6 When back pain and arthritis are the problems it can help to take short rests or breaks from a long stint in one position — say sitting at a desk or standing at an ironing-table .
7 He did not have time to check his mirrors for police cars as he passed All Hallows-on-the-Wall and plunged into the long straight canyon of London Wall .
8 Do these exercises whilst looking into a long mirror and do them smoothly .
9 This poetry , by contrast , evokes a sympathy in me which is not often brought out by poetry , and I hope and believe that the works of Owen will become great classics and last for a long time .
10 He answered Buckmaster 's question as he turned off the road between lodge gates and proceeded down the long drive across open parkland .
11 One of the major criticisms that is made of senior management is its unwillingness to let go of the reins of an organisation , to delegate routine tasks and to concentrate upon the longer term .
12 Touched by beneficial magics and feeding on the long grasses of the steppe , the steeds of Ellyrion are the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts .
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