Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A recent example of how plans have come unstuck is the fate of the Japan-backed ASEAN plan for automobile components , where Indonesia 's intransigency has put plans for regional specialisation back on the drawing board .
2 Reorganizing the lay-out of the production process can therefore permit the much greater automation of final assembly processes if robots , for example , can be programmed to perform different operations for different models almost to the exact moment the components arrive .
3 The purpose of the surveys is to expose consensus and conflicts about popular values for green spaces close to the city .
4 Thus it is possible that , as a result of letting out contracts for individual services possibly to different suppliers , the aggregate cost of the individual contracts ( each of which would have to be independently viable ) will exceed the combined cost of the original integrated services .
5 Standard forms of tender , nomination and contracts for nominated subcontractors together with detailed provisions for dealing with fluctuations under both the main and subcontracts are published separately .
6 With the cold winter evenings ahead why not try out some of these differing styles as alternative self-portraits instead of trying on the Euromask ?
7 Since then WWF-UK has developed under his leadership into one of the country 's most effective and powerful conservation groups , raising funds for environmental protection both in Britain and abroad .
8 In addition there are well-developed opportunities for interdisciplinary study particularly in the areas of European Institutions and Government , in Legal Theory , Criminology , and Socio-legal studies .
9 Motorists with any disability can go along to the Transport and Road Research Laboratory ( TRRL ) at Crowthorne in Berkshire , to look at and test drive the latest production cars and see the widest range of adaptations for disabled drivers anywhere in the UK .
10 To make a profit , drug dealers sell you short measures or mix all sorts of dangerous materials in with drugs to give them a bigger share of the profits or to finance their own drug habits .
11 cos I said , oh we 're having all sorts of different cuttings off from
12 Closer contacts between education and places of work through Work Experience , visits to schools , etc. , are the best way of ensuring that employers value the skills and aptitudes of young people regardless of gender , race or disability .
13 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
14 To measure the effect on general practitioner referrals for radiography of introducing guidelines of good practice together with monitoring and peer review .
15 A wide range of factors shaped how people aligned themselves politically — from personal considerations or considerations of economic self-interest through to political or religious conviction — and the way these factors interrelated could differ over time to produce shifting patterns of popular allegiance .
16 The twenty heads of British missions abroad in 1816 , when the effects of the country 's long political isolation during the Napoleonic wars were still being felt , had increased to thirty-seven by 1860 ( mainly because of the emergence of new independent states in Latin America ) ; but the changes of the 1860s swept away many of the smaller legations in Germany and Italy , and the establishment of diplomatic representatives in China , Japan and one or two other non-European countries in the second half of the century did not compensate for these losses .
17 The preservation of laminated biogenic sediments is currently understood to be the result of inhibition of benthos by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen either in anoxic silled basins ( such as the Black Sea or California Borderland Basins ) , or beneath zones of strong upwelling , where an oxygen minimum layer intersects the shelf or slope ( such as off Peru or within the Gulf of California ) .
18 For the size of the island , Madeira must have one of the highest concentrations of five-star hotels anywhere in the world .
19 Dowland 's Danish patron , Christian IV , sent musicians to study in Italy and two Danes , Hans Nielsen ( c. 1580–after 1620 ) and Mogens Pedersen ( c. 1585–1623 ) , worked in Venice with Giovanni Gabrieli and published books of five-part madrigals there in 1606 and 1608 .
20 When the tides of magic flow strongly from the broken warp gate the Realm of Chaos expands , the Northern Wastes are swallowed up , and the armies of Chaos pour down through the Troll Country into Kislev and the Empire .
21 Pushing open the heavy door , she began to climb the stairs to the second floor , admiring the way in which the stained-glass windows on each hall-landing cast triangles of coloured light on to the worn stone steps .
22 Late in 1743 a messenger was sent to alert James in Rome , and at dawn on 9 January 1744 Charles left the Palazzo Muti in Rome with his brother Henry , who was to serve as a decoy , on the pretence of a hunting trip , but made off to the north , leaving Henry to send off to Rome presents of wild geese supposedly from Charles .
23 Manlius Vulso a speech in 189 B.C. in which , to encourage in the Roman legionaries a contempt for the Galatians , he finds traces of Celtic barbarism even in Massalia : " Massilia inter Gallos sita , traxit aliquantum ab accolis animorum " ( 38.17.11 ) .
24 After all these months of forward movement only to be expected .
25 If they are selected they have 37 months of rigorous training ahead of them . ’
26 In the third year , students spend a total of eight months of approved study abroad in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries .
27 If general opinion favours Lothar , and if you are in a position of influence with him , please do n't forget us , and drive the wicked designs of bad men away from us , as far as you can . "
28 We have WS & C offices with trained staffs all over the Continent .
29 If subjects are given a list of words , words with serial positions early in the list are more likely to be recalled than those further towards the middle of the list .
30 For subjects given a list of words , when recall is immediate words with serial positions late in the list are more likely to be recalled than when recall is delayed .
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