Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pron] [pron] has no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Perhaps expansion is taking the company into areas for which it has no expertise .
2 It is clear from s.1(2) that once deemed an insider , the individual can be held liable for dealings in the securities of companies with which he has no direct relationship .
3 But in those cases where a person in possession of goods to which he has no title may confer a good title on someone else by selling , pledging , or otherwise disposing of the goods , then , since the true owner is deprived of his title to the goods , such a disposition constitutes conversion whether or not the goods are actually delivered .
4 Now with all the forwards around him he has no option but to bang it into touch .
5 Like John Hughlings Jackson , with his Perceptual Release Theory discussed in the context of hypnagogic hallucinations , they argue that dreaming is the outcome of the cortical integration of sensory inputs over which it has no control .
6 What is beyond the boundaries of his own home ground is an outside world composed of impersonal structures and processes over which he has no control , of if he does have some control , it is only by virtue of some formal authority vested in an office that he occupies .
7 But equally , the buried incestuous temptation invoked by the seductive mother may result in the same man being profoundly moved and sexually attracted to distressed women for whom he has no emotional responsibility .
8 Of course this makes sense in the case of insanity , automatism or involuntary movement but the range of factors over which one has no control is obviously wider than such clear instances of total lack of control .
9 The external demands on government are such that it can often act only as arbiter between competing demands and respond , under guidance from civil servants , to international events and trends over which it has no direct influence .
10 In all such matters the government is in a position comparable to that of every private individual who can by his actions affect the fortunes of others over whom he has no authority , and who may , within limits , force people to obey their moral duty when they incline not to do so .
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