Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pupils should have opportunities to handle and investigate objects for themselves at close quarters .
2 The School Government Regulations even allow the governors to decide that any matter ‘ by reason of its nature ’ should be treated as confidential and so exclude papers and minutes about it from public scrutiny .
3 The consultative procedures for the conduct of Management Services reviews has been carried out , you will be aware that there have been several consultative meetings between ourselves concerning this matter .
4 Cobbett indicates that , at least in Kent , the working class was not yet reconciled to exchanging a cottage on earth for a mansion in heaven : ‘ they appeared to me to be thinking much more about getting houses for themselves in this world first : just to see a little before they entered , or endeavoured to enter , or even thought much about , those ‘ houses ’ of which the parson was speaking ; houses with pig-styes and little snug gardens attached to them , together with all the other domestic and conjugal circumstances . ’
5 How the hell can our national flag be labelled ‘ excessive ’ when almost every High Street in the land is scarred by garish signs for everything from Indian restaurants to American burger joints ?
6 Then we 've done our work , I would say that my average of ten company representatives went over , perhaps two would find it was useful , useful fact finding mission , but it did n't achieve much , two would click instantly and have orders while they 're there , and the remainder would over the period of six or nine months later , if they worked at it , gain orders or perhaps , perhaps more importantly agents or distributors to sell their products for them in that country .
7 The twentieth century may seem threatening at times for someone with these problems , but at least you are not likely to be struck down in your prime by cholera , smallpox or bubonic plague , and there is little risk of being eaten by lions .
8 The committee said that because ministers occupied positions of power there were particular risks for them in any activity which overlaps the border between their public duties and private interests , however worthy the motives may be in any individual case .
9 Take your eyes off it for one second and … something frightful might happen .
10 Edward sent to Mrs Andrews ‘ a short note , fulfilling the two duties , of thanks for her past undoubted kindness , and of a request for a ‘ character ’ ( virtually ) when you leave .
11 However , parameters for them for individual writers could be extracted from an initial training phase for a script recognition system .
12 Children 's early invented spellings often demonstrate logical consistency ; this grasp of regularity should be recognised as an initial achievement and children should be helped to be confident in attempting to spell words for themselves without undue dependence on the teacher .
13 The Prime Minister added : ‘ The Home Secretary is responsible for immigration and has made speeches about it for many months .
14 As you can see , although it is a charity , the GDBA is a highly professional organisation with superb and varied career opportunities for anyone with genuine enthusiasm .
15 The ocean floor is scored and fissured , and a suture line miles deep plunges through it in sudden counterpoint to the nearby mountain-building .
16 One of the most widespread language families in Siberia was that now known as Samoed , the speakers of which at one time occupied a large part of southern Siberia from the Irtysh to the Yenisei , including the Altal-Sayan mountain region .
17 For years , he has been producing images of himself in different guises : from ancient Roman busts to self-portraits done in the styles of famous artists .
18 Although parts of this tradition have been examined in great detail , some of the most important aspects of it for this theme have received little attention .
19 Here are some words of his on 20 May 1992 :
20 Dana Gillespie : ‘ This was about the time The Beatles were just starting and they were considered to have long hair , but if you look at the pictures of them in those days , they had almost crew-cuts compared to David 's which was honestly long , bright yellow , bleached blonde from a bottle .
21 Her series of UNTITLED FILM STILLS ( pictures of herself in imaginary movie scenarios ) tapped a reservoir of imagery of unexpected power and subtlety .
22 I would hasten to say that I have never yet had the misfortune to operate anywhere which possessed all these undesirable features , but every one of us has seen some of them , or combinations of them in different circumstances , and everyone knows , from their own personal experience , how demotivating these characteristics are .
23 In the dormitories I identified the beds in which I had slept , with the same trays beneath them for dirty clothes and the same chairs beside them .
24 He must be for ever two steps behind them on complicated murder cases .
25 They attract crowds of 450 for their home matches in the Luxembourg league and brought 26 fans with them for this UEFA Cup first round tie .
26 I have explained some of the ways of getting to know members of the media and why it is important to have relationships with them within that framework , you must build a portfolio of individual contacts in the media world with whom you liaise , send material and can give special items and ideas from time to time .
27 The dense tubular system which probably represents residual smooth endoplasmic reticulum is discrete from the open canalicular system ( Behnke , 1970 ) but forms very close relationships with it in certain areas of the cytoplasm ( White , 1972 ) .
28 I have found full cupboards and empty ones , children with books and children without ; schools and classrooms where the resources of the community have been mobilised , where well stocked classroom shops have been organised using packets , wrappers and tins collected by children , where great varieties of natural and man-made objects have been collected for children 's use in science and mathematics — and schools with none of these things .
29 ‘ Fish Street , ’ says Esme , ‘ did have 19 fish shops in it at one time .
30 Throughout New South Wales he had a total of over 5,000 valuable acres in lots of various sizes and in Sydney , in addition to his estate , he had an acre of land in the heart of the city .
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