Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pron] [det] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was natural to see these moving pictures as nothing more than a novelty , perhaps merely a passing gimmick ; they were , after all , only shown as an additional turn on the music-hall programme .
2 The KC-400 Brush Pen range offers attractions of its own and an ample colour range for the serious user .
3 He cupped her head in one hand and massaged her lips with his own till the blood pulsed into them .
4 In the wider world we examine the great differences between countries like our own and the less fortunate poor world .
5 Together , the Big Five laid the foundations of the distinctive Scottish systems of a small number of large banks with extensive networks , as opposed to say the English pattern of thousands of small banks with nothing more than a local presence .
6 RAI protests that this amounts to a colossal waste of money since it previously acquired Eurovision rights for nothing more than the duty of reciprocal access to material from Italy .
7 The holder may supply liquor to persons taking table meals on the premises , to residents or private friends of residents being bona fide entertained by them , to the private friends for their own or the resident 's consumption , and to a resident for his own or a private friend 's consumption with a meal supplied at the premises but to be consumed off them .
8 As with the BROWNIES , gruagachs will happily serve their masters for nothing more than a cup of milk .
9 Rupert went to the bar and came back with more drinks for them both and a thick and delicious-looking ham sandwich for himself .
10 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
11 A kind woman , she had had three children of her own and a heart as large as her ample body .
12 People who have children may blanch at the idea of those cream sofas , but Rachel has two young children of her own and the slipcovers can go straight into the washing machine .
13 The prince , who took his force into Wales from Chester in good tight order , and at every mile ensured his lines behind him , was on his guard against his own instinctive enthusiasm as well as against Welsh armies , and knew enough about them by this time to feel no surprise that he should probe ever more deeply and carefully into North Wales , and never touch hands with anything more than a darting patrol , gone almost as soon as sighted .
14 Since she was abandoned by her husband — under Ugandan Native Law a man can freely acquire other wives — Mrs Kizza has had to support nine children with nothing more than the 1,500/ ( £1 ) a week she earns from serving in a bookshop .
15 Britain still talks of anything more than a 15 per cent cut in the CEGB 's emissions within ten years as being ‘ impracticable ’ .
16 But the learning wound cords around us both and a strange half son and mother , half friend and friend relationship was made .
17 The professorship in question was seen by the politicians as nothing more than a means of keeping the Laird of Cringletie happy ; it was , as Gorthie put it , ‘ a very good way to answer the Laird 's own expectations till once a good occasion offer ’ .
18 Most entertainers give out cards with their own or the agency 's phone number on it .
19 Nobody suggests you should buy shares over anything less than a three-to-five year period . ’
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