Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [is] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Easy , ’ I replied , ‘ You see , the things about the Americans is that they 've absolutely no CLAAAARSE . ’
2 I mean personally I think one of the difficulties in the colleges is that they do still have a sense of being at schools , and when you have an atmosphere which is like school you 're tacitly given people permission to act as if they were at school , and so we have a and that activity may not always be very adult , so we have to find a way of changing the environment of the colleges .
3 Answer guide : The main differences between the models is that the engineer 's model is a physical model which generates automatic responses whilst the accountant 's model is dependent upon humans for corrective responses .
4 It would seem to follow from this analysis that the most appropriate content to ascribe to the duty to act in the interests of the shareholders is that the directors should attempt to maximise the present value of the company .
5 One of the main requirements of the analysts is that they view the organisation in a fresh and open way .
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