Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [verb] [noun] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And erm , it s it seems to be an entirely er rational position for any public politician , for instance , Mrs Thatcher before the seventy-nine election , denying that she had any plans to double V A T , or Mr Major denying some of the plans for raising taxes that we 've come up with , or indeed denying plans to privatise the forestry commission .
2 Do n't let anyone persuade you that there are rules about using video that you must n't break .
3 Both pledged in speeches to cheering crowds that they would work to unite Somalia .
4 There were to be a lot of evacuations in the coming years , by land , sea and air , each accompanied by promises from departing residents that their absence would only be temporary .
5 The incident seems to have been settled , but remains a warning to writers of climbing guides that they are n't above the law of libel .
6 For example , we have found that we can make good businesses by selling services that we developed for use in our own company .
7 Sir Nicholas Goodison , the group chairman , tried to soften the blow of continuing bad debt provisions by telling shareholders that there were finally some signs of economic recovery after three years thanks to the fall in interest rates and the value of sterling .
8 Having lived on my own for four years , I 've found ways of doing things that I like , on my own , without having to bother about anyone else , and now I 've met this man , it means shaking everything up .
9 The Evangelical Alliance is canny in hoping it.can win similar victories by persuading publishers that it is in their commercial interest to avoid offending decent consumers .
10 This last point is a familiar one , which fits in well with the remarks on observing patterns that I have discussed above .
11 The first goal is to get the public through the museum doors by providing exhibitions that they will really enjoy .
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