Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ironically , this means that the most exciting objects for play are also the simplest and the cheapest .
2 Fights between skins were usually the result of some territorial infringement .
3 As in the case of the EC Merger Regulation , published rules for assignment are probably the best method with negotiation between the authorities to decide borderline cases .
4 To the north , where Poitou borders on the Vendee , shapely clumps of trees are almost the only punctuation marks on widespreading marshy landscapes ; to the south it bubbles with little rolling hills .
5 When the direct collection of primary data is used in marketing research , the methods of survey ( interview , questionnaire , observation ) and the methods of sampling are broadly the same as for any ‘ domestic ’ marketing research exercise .
6 But the loss or gradual erosion of ties of affection is nevertheless a liberator of our criminality ; never to have experienced them is perhaps the greatest liberator of all .
7 The difference in technique between all styles of grafting is simply the shape in which both the rootstocks and the vinestocks are cut , the prime purpose being to present the largest possible growing surface between the two canes .
8 When rubbish pits are excavated , sherds of pottery and fragments of bone are frequently the only visible remains , because much of the refuse put into pits was the remnants of food preparation which have since decayed .
9 Superficially , the act of controlling for a variable which intervenes between the two original variables of interest is much the same .
10 His walks with adults were usually a great deal longer than that .
11 Thus according to 1.7.2 the units in Q[x] are precisely the non-zero constant polynomials — and there are infinitely many of them .
12 IF RAGS to riches is still the American dream , William Casey lived his own version of it .
13 The Houses of Parliament are also the final arbiters of the tenure of office of judges of the Supreme Court .
14 These five groups of cases are perhaps the most important .
15 The courts of law are undoubtedly the chief repository of the judicial power notwithstanding that they no longer exercise a monopoly in this respect .
16 Lotze 's account of how these ‘ auxiliary impressions ’ became signs of location is much the same as Ryle 's .
17 For all that these strategies can cause irritation , though , their value lies in the implication — a world away from the commonsense views of Miller and Swift — that the surface meanings of words are only the tip of a massive iceberg .
18 The older generations of miners were almost a race apart , misunderstood by outsiders .
19 It appears from this case ( see also Long v Lloyd [ 1958 ] 1 WLR 753 ) that the rules of acceptance are substantially the same as those applicable in cases of breach of condition ( see Chapter 9 ) .
20 On the contrary , the rules of Equity are only a sort of supplement or appendix to the Common Law ; they assume its existence but they add something further .
21 This is sometimes said of Buddhism , but it would be more accurate to say that the question of God 's existence is a debate within Buddhism itself , and that the different forms of Buddhism are partially the product of different answers to the question of God 's existence .
22 This does not mean , however , that the effects of competition are always an irrelevant consideration .
23 Indeed , the development of a set of assessment procedures which integrate structural , semantic and functional descriptions of language is perhaps the next major focus for clinical research .
24 But how does he answer his fellow Conservatives like Herr Kohl , or Mr. Eyskens , of Belgium , who says : ’ It is a fact that the most competitive countries in Europe are also the ones with the best social and employment provision ’ ?
25 Humming noises in pipework are often the result of the pump speed being set too high .
26 The problem of filling quotas to specification is probably the most severe disadvantage of a participant-observation study ; since the groups studied are self-recruited , the fieldworker by definition relinquishes control over choice of subject .
27 The summer visitors to Trebetherick were generally the families of retired headmasters of minor public schools , of ex Indian Civil servants or of Harley Street doctors .
28 The unquestioning acceptance of Kollwitz ‘ diary and letters as literal transcriptions of events is perhaps the most common presumption in all the literature .
29 But the days of Wallace being only a bit part player are coming to an end .
30 For dessert , pieces of fruit are generally the best option .
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