Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 3.2.5 Transferring cases between lawyers If you have a team of lawyers then transferring cases is an immediate solution to an imbalance in numbers .
2 Think back to the stuff we did on memory , a little and often is a good way of trying to remember things Okay , it 's useful if you 've covered topic areas to actually think about writing essays about questions that you think about to get you used to the style and time s scale of actually dealing with exams .
3 First , some of our clients have been caught out by the different definitions for Pay As You Earn and National Insurance Contributions purposes .
4 You use semicolons and colons to indicate specific relationships between sentences that you wish to connect together into a larger , composite sentence .
5 ‘ What the fucking hell are you doin stealing books for money when you 've no need to , eh ?
6 So these are the sorts of things that you want to be looking for .
7 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
8 In both Prestel and those sorts of things as you use the system you pay , and you pay for the telecommunications costs , you pay for the computer costs , and you pay for the information that you receive .
9 In both Prestel and those sorts of things as you use the system you pay , and you pay for the telecommunications cost , you pay for the computer cost and you pay for the information that you receive , and that sort of worthwhile sharing of information , I am sure , is going to grow .
10 Right these are the sorts of things if you spring those on them .
11 They were the sorts of contacts that you have when you 're signing on at the Employment Benefits Office , when you 're going to a job interview erm and often these are very negative because the experience of signing on is n't a very pleasant experience at all ; most job interviews , unfortunately , end with a rejection erm so a lot of these non-routine contacts were quite negatives ones for people .
12 They 're very supportive , but they 're not the sorts of theatre where you want to open . ’
13 You 'll also find lots of leaflets available from main showrooms which tell you how much appliances cost to run , how to cut down on costs , and helpful methods of payment if you have to economise drastically .
14 Your army may include as many units of Pistoliers as you wish .
15 Are there aspects of training that you find to have been missing or superficial now that you have had the chance of putting your technical skill to the test ?
16 Well , first of all may I respond positively to those kind words of welcome that you extended to me .
17 You may see traces of blood when you brush your teeth .
18 The first thing we 're going to think of though , are the roles of people that you have in your team and how they might be able to help you in solving the problems .
19 The ego , as says , is open to the outside world and furthermore to stimulations from inside , from inside the body , that reach it through subjective sensations like hunger when you need food , or fear when something threatens you , and cognitive er awareness like er okay you realize that before you have your lunch you 're gon na have to go to the bank to get some money to pay for it .
20 And the names on the score sheet , do n't rub your eyes in disbelief when you see the morning paper , they are and .
21 How many times have you faced the glares of your fellow shoppers in supermarkets as you struggle to pack your bags with one hand and write a cheque with the other , or fumble around for cash to pay for your goods .
22 You should be aiming to lose 1–2 lbs per week until you get back to your goal weight .
23 erm I think like David , and Lesley well I mean I think like everyone here , that it is the general attitudes of society that you do n't stick with problems and work them through , that family life is breaking up .
24 It got phased out so that the Ministry did n't pay anything at all but to get this grant you had to keep tremendous records copies of invoices and you had to get er and the bus grant and the , the permission from them .
25 Technically it can not , physically it can not , because we have such erm large programmes of development that you need the manpower , you need the muscle , and the majority of them have left now and that 'll be a new dilemma for Kuwait and it 's rebuilding operation to bring back people to help develop with it 's own Kuwaiti
26 And erm , he throws the corn on the cob , he goes inside gets a drink , eats some food cos there 's loads of food cos you know and he goes outside and he goes quick , quick , quick loads of food , loads of food , quick , come on , come on , come on , loads of food !
27 Look for patterns of growth and you find helices .
28 So the advice is , and I 'm not an investment advisor , it 's because of the exemption you must always take advantage of all tax exempt forms of savings before you look at anything else .
29 And it 's a fair bet that not a few of them will rouse hoots of laughter or gasps of admiration when you show them off to you friends .
30 This is a very powerful tool , and one that can cut out many hours of frustration as you alter cells by hand , save files and print results .
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