Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The hearing took two days , at the end of which the justices announced that the decision and reasons for decision would be given on the following morning .
2 The reasons for unionism can be placed in two broad categories : those specifically concerned with religion , and those which are concerned with a wider range of social , political , and economic considerations .
3 In greater detail , the reasons for organisations may be described as follows :
4 It is that the actors ' desires , beliefs , and resulting reasons for action may be generated in turn by external factors .
5 Roh also indicated that the two Koreas ' plans for reunification could be combined in a three-stage formula , starting with the South Korean plan based on a Korean community , and proceeding to a confederal republic of Koryo , as proposed by the North .
6 Queries about procedures should be addressed to the appropriate Faculty Administrative Officer .
7 Those preparing or using illustrations for publication should be trained in computer graphics , to spread the expertise as widely as possible .
8 Timetables for implementation should be established , setting out specific goals and actions that allow responsibility to be allocated and achievement monitored .
9 Instead , he announced the appointment of an ombudsman to mediate between the public and the civil service , promised that proposals for democracy would be considered soon , and said that the opposition would be permitted to run in legislative elections expected in April 1994 .
10 To these must be added the continuing high level of expenditure on parish roads , while the construction of new roads during enclosures must be acknowledged even though it can not be calculated .
11 A wilderness is a place of contrast , where our own rules and values for living can be challenged , where we can learn something about humility and the inventive resilience of unmanaged nature .
12 ( i ) all requests for attendance should be addressed to the chief executive .
13 Requests for staff should be given with the maximum amount of notice .
14 Current consumption patterns for beer can be seen from the following tables :
15 In short , it was contended that additional rewards for employees should be left entirely to the discretion of individual employers .
16 Beyond this , the knowledge of the ways in which initially neutral cues are treated as potentially relevant or ignored is growing , and suggests once again that the rules for learning can be influenced by the nature of prior experience ( e.g. Dickinson , 1980 ) .
17 For example , in Smith , Kline and French Laboratories Ltd. v Sterling Winthrop Group Ltd. [ 1976 ] , it was held that coloured capsules for drugs could be registered as trade marks .
18 Without information about specific incidents it is not possible to develop a methodical analysis , nor is it likely that effective strategies for prevention will be found .
19 Finally , the strategies for change can be found in an analysis of what has gone before and a cultural intervention in what is socially happening to disabled people .
20 Full details of the trains and application forms for tickets will be forwarded by return .
21 Thus treatment with salt ( or with freshwater for marine fish ) , formalin , quaternary ammonium compounds , malachite green , and antibiotics for example can be given at high dose for short duration , making them more effective against the disease organisms while offering a better safety margin to the fish through shorter contact time .
22 These guidelines for learning should be given to the student at the beginning of her time on the ward .
23 Ties for minimum can be broken arbitrarily .
24 Using this notation , the components of the Weyl tensor are given by the expressions ( 10.4 ) It can thus be seen that , although ( 10.2 ) is linear so that different solutions for V can be superposed , the associated gravitational waves can not be simply superposed .
25 The attraction of such displays is that multi — dimensional relationships between subjects may be shown since any one subject can be displayed in juxtaposition with several others .
26 Software will now be developed for the distribution of data in which individual , family , household and community level data can all be examined and in which relationships between levels can be analysed .
27 In it we reaffirmed that all disputes between states should be resolved peacefully in accordance with the provisions of the charter .
28 A lot of disputes between neighbours can be prevented if there is consultation before building works start on site .
29 The Library 's loans system will be computerised during 1992/93 , and printed circulation lists for journals will be produced from 1993 onwards .
30 Essential equipment to enable a child to participate in a group may be provided , opportunities for training may be shared .
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