Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] within the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , many cars built within the last few years have hardened valve seats , or alloy cylinder heads that need little ( simply a retune ) or no modification to use unleaded petrol .
2 It has traditionally been assumed that a gradual decrease in intensity of Hercynian folding has resulted in the stratigraphic relationships observed within the late Carboniferous .
3 Company liquidation figures have been more than double the level of a year before , with about half the companies dying within the first five years .
4 Under s393A TA 1988 , Case I trading losses may be set against profits of whatever description ( including chargeable gains ) , in the accounting period in which the losses are sustained and against profits from accounting periods falling within the preceding three years .
5 For example , in 1979 nearly half of all divorces occurred within the first 10 years .
6 Also please note that any Training Fund applications submitted within the last four weeks for courses organised by the Training Division have already been forwarded to them for attention .
7 This climate severely limited the ability of opposition groups to mobilize within the existing vertical structure , although they did have some success in getting their candidates elected as workplace representatives and as members of the company council .
8 For properties built within the last 20 years or so , this would be 225 × 450mm .
9 His only concern right now was to board the Berne-bound goods train within the next few minutes .
10 Those patients diagnosed within the previous seven years ( n=153 ; 50% ) had significantly better control than those diagnosed eight or more years previously .
11 After eradication of H pylori ( n=10 ) from the gastric mucosa eight ulcers healed within the next six ( n=6 ) to 10 weeks ( n=2 ) .
12 Early administrative theories developing within the democratic elitist view simply extended this basic conception .
13 Patients living within the defined geographical area were considered to have severe acute renal failure if the serum creatinine concentration rose above 500 µmol/l for the first time and then returned to below that level and remained there or if the patient died during the acute illness and the history or necropsy confirmed acute renal failure .
14 The various stages of plant evolution can be seen here , from relatives of ferns found in fossils to hybrids created within the last few years .
15 A key consideration for the development of a spatial language interface to GlS is that many different groups of users exist within the spatial data-handling community .
16 Even if Morland shareholders do n't accept Green Kings offer within the next fourteen days …
17 Although these impairments must be of concern , we emphasise that most early treated children fall within the broad normal range of general ability and attend ordinary schools .
18 Ultimately , the broadcasting services operate within the broad regulatory and structural decisions made by governments .
19 An even stronger attack on the view that harmony and equality characterize the relations between men and women arises within the radical feminist school of thought .
20 Members of the APA 's Division of the Psychology of Women work within the traditional professional structure , extending existing work on women , advising the APA on gender issues like the Equal Rights Amendment , and occasionally publishing papers in mainstream APA journals .
21 There are thus various regimes of the double diffusive convection in which different detailed patterns occur within the same overall picture , but we shall not go into these details here .
22 However , the significant difference in packed cell volume between the groups remained when only those samples obtained within the first two hours were compared and also when only those obtained from the third hour onwards were compared .
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