Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] a long [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The approach of classroom testing against the hearing norms has a long tradition among educators and researchers .
2 No Hiding Place Sitting containers on pallets or bricks goes a long way toward preventing them from harbouring all kinds of pests under their bottoms .
3 They 're added to marzipan to improve its flavour and keeping qualities , and a little oil of bitter almonds goes a long way in much confectionery .
4 Good selection procedures and thorough briefing sessions go a long way towards making an overseas assignment a success .
5 Because the drivers had a long record of bad behaviour and convictions no such expectation existed here .
6 Swindon Town and Oxford United fans have a long tradition of rivalry .
7 The wooded area is nice enough but the schools have a long history of desegregation problems , and are now 88% black and 10% Hispanic .
8 But kids have a long tradition of getting the better of adults , going back to the Famous Five and beyond .
9 In Britain the divisions between the public health , general practice and hospital sectors have a long history of often quite bitter dispute .
10 These religious tensions go a long way towards explaining why the party divide cut so deep into society : political strife during the first age of party did not just affect the political elite at the centre and a minority of the more affluent and better-educated classes in the localities , but all sorts of people , including those of fairly humble backgrounds , women as well as men , were caught up in the party divide .
11 The remote rural areas have a long history of continuing depopulation : there are problems of farm structure and current argument about land use in general raises important issues of concern for the future .
12 Crafts underwent a long evolution during the Early Minoan , an incubation that prepared the way for major developments in the Middle Minoan temples and towns .
13 For example , many Northern English accents have a long sound as the realisation of the phoneme symbolised in RP ( which is a simple phonetic difference ) ; but in some Northern accents there is an diphthong phoneme and a contrasting long vowel phoneme that could be symbolised .
14 Such a use of sub-committees goes a long way towards achieving an ‘ open ’ management process .
15 Because I 'm because John Gummer 's responsibilities extend a long way into things like housing and stuff as well do n't they ?
16 They were pulled into the stewards room after the race as officials took a long look at an incident early in the straight.A ban would have ruled the pair out of the Cambridgeshire and the Arc , but no action was taken .
17 Second , a large proportion of the older workers had a long period of service with the same company before being made redundant .
18 Just as the Biesbosch on the Rhine delta was a centre for the Dutch underground opposition to Hitler , so the English wetlands have a long history as centres of resistance .
19 As everywhere else in the world , changing these attitudes requires a long campaign of education .
20 People do n't usually hit out unless they are upset or angry , so showing you understand their feelings goes a long way to preventing them from expressing that anger towards you .
21 It seems to me that this difference in the structure of the schedules goes a long way towards explaining in industrial terms the relative stasis of British television subgenres like sitcom , crime series and soap opera , and the drive towards innovation found in the corresponding genres on US television .
22 ‘ Your own stories go a long way towards doing that . ’
23 THE picture above shows the ideal set-up for the modern work station , and the new EC regulations go a long way to achieving this .
24 At the Rutland Forest Eyre in 1269 the verderers , regarders and other jurors presented a long list of indictments of this kind .
25 Many mothers with parenting difficulties had a long history of emotional problems themselves , and seemed generally lacking in sensitivity to their children 's anxieties and needs rather than deficient in specific child management techniques .
26 ‘ The pace of life is slow there — things take a long time in changing .
27 Unfortunately , the latter insult is somewhat inaccurate : animators have a long history of injecting a little ‘ adult ’ spice into what is essentially a children 's medium .
28 In this respect the displays carry a long tradition of early " pencil and paper " methods but , of course , they bring with them much greater computing power .
29 Elves and Dwarves have a long history of hate yet Legolas and Gimli become friends because they travel in Frodo 's company together .
30 In the never-never land of unreal prices , widespread subsidies and easy bank loans , using resources efficiently to make profits comes a long way down the list of priorities .
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