Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] and [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus this in its turn can be spread as thickly or as thinly as one 's intuitions require and therefore used in defence of competing practical positions , most notably in the debates over abortion or the environment .
2 It was becoming difficult to remember how it had looked fifteen months ago , before Amy and Timmy had entered his life ; the homemade shelves of orange boxes ranged against the wall which had held his books , the two mugs , two plates and one soup bowl , which had been adequate for his needs , neatly stacked in the cupboard , the excessive cleanliness of the small kitchen and lavatory , his bed smooth under the coverlet of knitted woollen squares , the single hanging cupboard which had been sufficient for his meagre wardrobe , his other possessions boxed and tidily stowed in the chest under the seat .
3 A bit of fish , a little sauce , one or two new potatoes boiled and then rolled in butter and parsley , and a frond or two of samphire if you have been lucky enough to find it .
4 We now know that Mls determinants are proteins encoded by genes of mouse mammary tumour viruses integrated and vertically transmitted in the mouse genome — in effect they are self-antigens , and as with any self-antigen encountered by T cells during their maturation in the thymus , T cells that react with Mls determinants are clonally eliminated in their early development with consequent ‘ skewing ’ of the animal 's V T-cell repertoire .
5 In theory , during this period their potential to adapt technology to source inputs locally ( as had occurred in Biafra during the civil war ) , rather than to import them might have given them a competitive edge over the large manufacturing companies managed and partly owned from overseas .
6 Two cloaked figures turned and slowly walked towards them .
7 ‘ Our problems begin and largely end in the home , ’ he said in a newspaper interview .
8 The junior recruits set about their evening tasks While the seniors pack and then head for the NAAFI for their end-of-course party .
9 By Elizabethan standards Crosse was remarkably honest , reliable , and trustworthy ; qualities appreciated and much used by his superiors and by Sir Robert Cecil ( later first Earl of Salisbury , q.v . ) ,
10 A commemorative tablet has the men 's names engraved and now hangs in the foreman 's room .
11 DARLINGTON Health Authority yesterday pledged to have a special unit for leukaemia patients open and fully staffed by August .
12 The arrangements agreed and jointly administered by the Training and Enterprise Council and the local authority Careers Service , allow for the registration of over 200 companies , in the first year , which have committed themselves to offer high quality training for employees under 19 .
13 He stays there for the hour or so that is necessary for all the tadpoles to emerge and then returns to his hole .
14 Sucking the wool and making it damp enhances the lanolin odour , and this keeps the cats contented and fully absorbed in their sucking and chewing .
15 Levels for patients tested and then re-examined on a subsequent occasion remained the same .
16 Certain techniques perfected and mainly practised in the Orient enable some men to hold out almost indefinitely , but most Western men seem unable to break beyond the six-minute barrier .
17 Arthur Butler ( Builders ) Ltd. commenced the alterations revised and newly estimated at £69,000 .
18 For a while after that , the Scots were satisfied and the English forces discouraged and anyway distracted by domestic politics .
19 However , there are fears that the chancellor will not dare go as far as his critics wish and instead stick to a one per cent cut .
20 We 've seen new and harsher disciplinary procedures introduced , safety measures ignored and regrettably increases in the number of cases of racial and sexual harassment .
21 He was eventually banned by the Italian Football Association for failing a drugs test and virtually had to be smuggled out of the country in the dark of night to save his sanity back home in Argentina .
22 Officers are fed up with seeing offenders caught and then released by the court .
23 Research methods are to be treated as a collection of tools designed and thereby suited for particular jobs .
24 On Sunday 29th , Francis Dunnery , ex-It Bites whizz and currently working with Robert Plant meets the Thunder From Down Under himself , Frank Gambale , who joins the ranks of live performers .
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