Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] take [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Aga-sagas have taken over from the steamy sex bonkbusters of the Eighties .
2 There were hundreds of different languages spoken on the Australian continent when the Europeans began to take over in the late eighteenth century .
3 Guitarist 's Readers ' Ads have taken over as the foremost private buying , selling , swapping and personnel advertising service around .
4 It did well enough , though might have done better if it had covered less ground ; also , in the four years that had elapsed since gathering material for it , public interest in the world role that Americans had taken up in the Kennedy years had largely evaporated .
5 Industrial parks now stand where pepper plantations used to be , modern buses have taken over from the rickshaw and Singaporeans now live in high-rise apartments rather than the traditional kampongs .
6 Darkness has descended and the mosquitoes have taken over from the enemy mortars .
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