Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] as they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Trees were bursting into leaf and birds singing as they wandered along the banks of the river , their arms entwined round each other .
2 ‘ At least you 're honest enough to want to end one affair before starting another — ’ He broke off abruptly , his eyes narrowing as they rested on her tense face .
3 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
4 Her breathing quickened , her eyes dilating as they stared into his .
5 Bertha 's eyes widened as they turned to him .
6 On parents ' evening/parents ' consultation sessions it 's a good idea to invite neighbouring schools serving other phases to send displays of photographs , children 's work , brochures , prospectuses etc to be arranged for the parents to view as they pass through the school during the evening .
7 Hoarse cries busied the air , and Riven heard the gulls screaming as they fought for odd fish on the quay and whirled round the masts of the ships , speckling the docks with guano .
8 The trek proves long and arduous , with casualties mounting as they forge through swamps and mountains before finally breaking into the Dalek city .
9 The first deals with the reasons of the ( apparent ) diminution of objects as they recede from the eye , and is known as Perspective of Diminution : the second contains the way colours vary as they recede from the eye : the third and last explains how objects should appear less distinct in proportion as they are more remote .
10 A PAIR of teenage sweethearts suffocated as they cuddled in a car inside a garage .
11 The women wore coloured skirts down to their ankles , their earrings and beads jangling as they moved with sinuous grace over the uneven ground .
12 The locked wheels shrieked as they slid along the rails and the train finally shuddered to a halt in a cloud of hissing steam .
13 Their Technical and Mathematical concepts begin as they wrestle with the problem of size and shape at the woodwork and glueing tables .
14 He now had the neatly trimmed beard which his father expected his sons to adopt as they grew to manhood .
15 She let herself down gingerly into the hot water , gritting her teeth as various bruises stung as they came in contact with the heat .
16 Closer , there were her outstretched fingers to study as they burrowed through the sand .
17 The shunters shuddered as they went about their work .
18 Their necks stretched as they tried for a beak hold .
19 In Danzig it was not possible for the Nazis to proceed as they had in the Reich .
20 The stars were fading , the half moon had set ; the land behind floated in the blind blackness , with nicks of silver where the leaves of certain trees shone as they moved in the breeze , as if it were an irregular and battered meteorite floating in the emptiness .
21 The lords-of the manoirs and their servants converged as they had in medieval times .
22 But as it grows it will look deep into its hardback licences , and I fear some ugly clawback scenes arising as they did with Mandarin .
23 When he appeared , riding , and the sun flashed on the gold , his own men turned as they stood with their spears and called to him , ‘ Albanaid ! ’
24 It is because such interfaces are believed to be dangerous that men act as they do in ritual situations .
25 They provided many of the resources for the celebrations and allowed the students to proceed as they wished with few officials presiding over events .
26 My second premise is that in such a complex area , where social , cognitive pedagogic , affective , inter-personal and indeed ethical factors interact as they do in all aspects of education — there is unlikely to be a simple or single answer .
27 Two were already straining from the hands of their masters , neck ruffs erect as they waited for the moment of release on to the sawdust-strewn pit floor .
28 May I thank the Prime Minister for allowing his Ministers to vote as they wish on the Wild Mammals ( Protection ) Bill on Friday 14 February , St. Valentine 's day ?
29 Irish women cried as they heard from two Chilean women of the horrors being committed in post-Allende Chile .
30 At the end of our period John of Salisbury wrote his Historia pontificalis , with its centre in Rome and the curia — a chronicle of events seen as they impinged on the eternal city ; and he talks much less of pilgrims , much more of diplomatic visits and of litigants .
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