Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] as [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Trees were bursting into leaf and birds singing as they wandered along the banks of the river , their arms entwined round each other .
2 This is absolutely one of the greatest pop singles of all time : Earl Young 's cymbals fly as he experiments with patterns that would later become instant indicators of disco , the arrangement is equivalent to a condensed blaxploitation movie , the song is terrific and Rochelle Fleming 's lead vocal soars .
3 Brown eyes twinkled as he came towards Lindsey .
4 His eyes flickered as he looked at her , and she knew he was searching his mind for a joke .
5 But her husband was grinning , eyes closed as he collapsed into his chair , with the blonde mane moving between his legs .
6 His eyes shone as he spoke of his great purpose in life , and I was listening , fascinated , so neither of us heard the light footsteps approaching the cottage along the grassy path .
7 ‘ At least you 're honest enough to want to end one affair before starting another — ’ He broke off abruptly , his eyes narrowing as they rested on her tense face .
8 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
9 Her breathing quickened , her eyes dilating as they stared into his .
10 His eyes narrowed as he looked at her , and seemed to glow with fury , their brown tint lightening almost to gold .
11 His eyes narrowed as he looked at her .
12 His blue eyes narrowed as he took in her curves .
13 The sandy-haired man 's eyes narrowed as he took in the possessive gesture , but he made no comment on it .
14 The twist of his mouth betrayed an inner fury , while his eyes blazed as he looked at her .
15 I glance into my glass and hand her back the J ; her eyes close as she draws on it and I put my lips to my glass , slipping that sucked-on sliver of ice into my own mouth and rolling it around there , pretending it 's her tongue .
16 The Baronne had retreated behind her mask again , but her lips tightened as she glanced at the label .
17 Bertha 's eyes widened as they turned to him .
18 Her eyes widened as she came to the last paragraph , and she stared at it before abruptly crumpling the paper and stuffing it back into her case .
19 ’ Her green eyes widened as she thought of a plan .
20 My worries melted as I looked at her .
21 Maggie found herself being inspected closely by two pairs of eyes and Candace Rainford 's green eyes hardened as she looked at Maggie 's face and the shining mahogany-red of her hair .
22 He smiled at the fancifulness of the thought , then caught his breath , seeing how her eyes flashed as she laughed at something her cousin had whispered in her ear .
23 When the gag went in , her eyes widened and her shoulders braced as she pulled in air through her nose .
24 There was an ‘ Oof ! ’ of expelled air as the man fell to his knees , his broad shoulders heaving as he strained for his next breath .
25 She felt her lips tremble as she smiled at him .
26 He smiled again , his eyes hooding as he looked at her .
27 On parents ' evening/parents ' consultation sessions it 's a good idea to invite neighbouring schools serving other phases to send displays of photographs , children 's work , brochures , prospectuses etc to be arranged for the parents to view as they pass through the school during the evening .
28 Notice that the quantity of bills increases as we move to the left along the axis , away from the origin .
29 However , her feet dragged as she went towards the office , where she found Silas listening to the answering machine while Doreen recorded the messages .
30 Hoarse cries busied the air , and Riven heard the gulls screaming as they fought for odd fish on the quay and whirled round the masts of the ships , speckling the docks with guano .
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