Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] be [verb] for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Teesside Operations has been praised for entering the ‘ lion 's den ’ in its campaign to improve communications with the local community .
2 Japan , for instance , has political support for such assistance , but the report points out that the body implementing bilateral aid programmes has been criticised for tying aid too closely to Japanese commercial interests , such as its high-technology products .
3 Despite an agreement between Peabody and the Navajo Tribal Council , pollution from the mines has been blamed for contaminating local water supplies , and forcing Indians to leave their homes .
4 British Nuclear Fuels has been criticised for trying to conclude a deal with South Korea , a country which President Bush has named as increasing the proliferation risk .
5 The second equally obvious point is that , given the disparate analyses , a variety of prescriptions have been offered for dealing with the presumed causes of the nation 's ills .
6 Fortunately , various purely psychological methods have been devised for studying the organisation of the mental lexicon in normal subjects , and some of these will be discussed in this chapter .
7 Resistivity methods have been developed for investigating fracturing in boreholes .
8 Various methods have been tried for producing this ‘ ground ’ .
9 It 's first time hunt supporters have been jailed for assaulting a protester .
10 Victorian parents have been condemned for clothing their children in black for months on end , and putting even babies into mourning .
11 SHOPKEEPERS have been praised for refusing to sell fireworks to young children .
12 In certain states , broadcasters have been disciplined for reporting political opposition .
13 TV COMPANIES have been attacked for targeting children with ads for fatty and sugary foods .
14 Accusations of unfair trading have been particularly widespread in recessions when Japanese companies have been attacked for dumping products in foreign markets .
15 Prince Charles has denounced architects for defacing British cities ; Margaret Thatcher 's governments have challenged the monopolies enjoyed by opticians and the legal profession ; planners have been condemned for producing urban chaos ; teachers have been attacked for crushing originality and stifling creativity in their pupils ; and lawyers have been accused of mystifying the legal system to the point where the layman finds it largely unintelligible .
16 Having established this knowledge a system of ideas has been formulated for intervening and hence preventing the disease or problem .
17 In the course of the hearings it emerged that a number of other former government officials had been paid for lobbying on housing developments .
18 Social workers have been criticised for paying for driving lessons for a seventeen year old single mother .
19 This is perhaps not surprising since from the earliest stages of domestication , dogs have been kept for guarding purposes .
20 Yachts have been fined for neglecting to fly one in Turkey , and reprimanded for a torn one in Greece .
21 The Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram of Aug. 3 reported that 120 Iraqi officers had been executed for refusing to support the invasion , a claim confirmed by Arab diplomats arriving in Syria from Kuwait in late August .
22 Dozens of of Gay Rights campaigners have been arrested for marching too close to the Houses of Parliament whilst it was in session .
23 Local farmers have been paid for giving the developers the right to buy their land if the plan is approved .
24 In the late 1980s we now see town planning and architecture — shapers of the housing environment — charged with professional disrepute : once the great hope of being effective providers of an environment of social purpose , the two professions have been derided for giving the public the wrong thing , and in the wrong manner .
25 Some Urban Programme resources have been used for housing rehabilitation , the London Docklands Development Corporation has presided over substantial housing developments ( see below ) and , as discussed above , UDG has boosted inner-urban residential schemes .
26 Other minor reforms have been suggested for reducing public expenditure .
27 Working for patients has been criticised for failing to emphasise the importance of people and not being more specific about the need for personnel management .
28 A range of elegant techniques has been developed for characterising new genetic mutations — all the techniques rely on the generation by the polymerase chain reaction of large quantities of DNA fragments from normal and mutant alleles .
29 However , recently , new techniques have been devised for studying the behaviour of embryonic cells in their normal environment in the conceptus during these stages of development .
30 In this chapter , techniques have been presented for smoothing time series data .
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