Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the littlest lads had heaved himself up onto the window-sill and was gazing out in rapture .
2 The dapper , 52-year-old economist with his trademark owlish glasses had set himself up as a beacon of the reform movement as long ago as April 1991 when he led his party out of government .
3 In this area a number of small clothing-manufacturers had set themselves up since the war , migrating out from the East End of London .
4 On NoS they were being treated to the miracle of new technology , bypassing the National Graphical Association compositors who , before the age of ‘ direct entry ’ computers , retyped the articles on Linotype hot metal machines after the subs had marked them up in pencil .
5 Ms Fiona Reynolds of the Council for National Parks has kept me up to date with the progress of the EEC 's Agricultural Structures Review .
6 Men had beaten him up on several occasions , for no apparent reason .
7 The evening before , when the boy was buying a betel-leaf from a shop , the police had hauled him up as a vagabond ; they were responding to the jail authorities ' appeal to book more helpers … .
8 This probably helped undermine support for a new right-wing party , the National Democrats , whose anti-U S , anti-Soviet and anti-immigrant policies had won it up to ten per cent of support in Länder elections in 1966 — 8 .
9 What is more , introducing PRP for nurses has added anything up to a billion dollars to administrative costs in the US public sector — a figure which may send shudders down the spine of Britain 's cost-conscious NHS .
10 But the trouble is Noel , in the meantime erm the Quakers have fallen apart because the Quakers have filled themselves up with sort of barefooted raw carrot eaters with beads
11 Many others have set themselves up as private tutors , which is now permitted .
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