Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun pl] that [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I can imagine some other world in which a conference of learned , and totally blind , bat-like creatures is flabbergasted to be told of animals called humans that are actually capable of using the newly discovered inaudible rays called " light " , still the subject of top-secret military development , for finding their way about .
2 How can computers create things that are genuinely new and not just ‘ what you put in ’ ?
3 Some of these fungi contain toxins that are either hallucinogenic or downright poisonous — but Goblins have tough digestive systems and can cope with this sort of thing .
4 Their approach to European matters involves policies that are not at all in the interests of British industry .
5 These kind visitors received animals that were not Mickey Mouse .
6 In breeding experiments using animals from the same population , crosses yielded broods that were either uniformly banded , uniformly unbanded or containing an equal proportion of both .
7 That would be a very much healthier , and more rational approach to land use in the crofting areas than the system that pertains today when people are encouraged by grants and subsidies to do things that are sometimes agriculturally absurd .
8 Both guitars have necks that are properly set to line up with the top of the bridges , and which are set up to give the correct amount of neck relief .
9 The approach used during the study did not follow strictly any prescribed format , but nonetheless made effective use of the soft systems ideas to produce results that were well received by the Principals of the participating Colleges .
10 One by one , colonial powers imposed taxes that were only payable in hard cash , and the way of life of the gatherer-hunter , the nomad , and the pastoralist was immediately and fatally unbalanced .
11 Another kind of polygyny is often found in species in which the males defend territories that are briefly visited by females for mating , after which the female leaves and the male awaits the next mate .
12 ‘ The public want to see the courts pass sentences that are just and to do this the courts must use the powers this Government has given them .
13 Some sharedealing and futures dealing firms that are no longer in existence paid commission of over half all monies received from clients .
14 The key change that could be identified in all the schools visited was that of a rethink about departmental allocation , As a result of devolution , capitation seemed to be allocated to departments using criteria that were more public and in most cases fairer ; for example , a formula based on pupil and subject weightings , or a system of bidding or , inevitably , the use of last year 's figures plus an allowance for inflation .
15 Its members conduct studies that are mainly sociological in nature , looking at questions like the importance of counselling to hysterectomy patients .
16 Most smaller crustacea have exoskeletons that are rather delicate , and for this reason the fossil record of the shrimps , for example , is somewhat incomplete .
17 This even extends to forbidding children to do things that are positively dangerous : playing with sharp knives , climbing tall trees , and so on .
18 For some reason , humans needed things that were n't true .
19 There are undoubtedly items of software in use today that could produce negative sums of squares and many others giving answers that are undetectably wrong .
20 Whatever the deal , the fraudsters offer returns that are not available anywhere else .
21 Incubation with 1 4 C glutamine in the absence of mucosal biopsy specimens gave results that were less than 5% of the values obtained when a biopsy specimen was present .
22 However reference is also made to the Smithers and Griffin ( 1986 ) study which indicated that nonstandard mature students obtained results that were either as good or better than A level entrants on the same courses and were less likely to fail to complete their courses .
23 Most systems have languages that are too cryptic , too difficult to remember and too large , he complained .
24 The Hanson style can , of course , go wrong if headquarters misjudges a business and pushes its bosses to pursue targets that are too demanding .
25 MOST spiders weave webs that are all but invisible , but some species include a very conspicuous broad band of silk across the middle of the web .
26 He said that if the Tories had policies that were not working for the Scottish economy then the silence of the SNP since last year 's general election told the real story of what independence for Scotland would really mean .
27 The actively hunting wolf and jumping spiders show little dimorphism and similar adult life styles , whereas the sedentary orb web-building spiders and the similarly sessile ( yet webless ) crab spiders have males that are much smaller and much more mobile than their respective females .
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