Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] it [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was once the Friends ' Meeting House , and a flight of stone steps led to it when I first knew it .
2 I hated it when our own kids suffered from it and I still hate it almost more than anything else .
3 So I respect the access restrictions for the sake of Ted and those like him , but I reserve the right in the pub to stick out my tongue and make rasping noises at those men with wallets instead of penises , who think that pulling the trigger and gleefully watching a beautiful stag 's legs buckling beneath it as it dies is somehow a sign of manliness .
4 It smashed into his ribs , forcing his mouth open again , more soup choking into his lungs , his eyes gummed with it as he fought for the surface .
5 It all started with the idea of re-establishing the archive of the Verein Berliner Kunstlerinnen ( Association of Women Artists in Berlin ) which was destroyed during the second world war and developed into a journey of discovery , which has reached this point with the following achievements : 1200 women artists on record ; many works discovered ; the archive set up ; a profusely illustrated catalogue ( in fact the word catalogue does not give an idea of the range of articles contained in it since it covers the history of women artists in German-speaking countries , to art-business oriented articles , to facets of the history of the association , followed by a chronological development of the association and a full catalogue of the works on show , divided into sections , as they are in the exhibition ) ; a dictionary with short biographies of 1200 artists and 700 friends of art called Kathe , Paula und der ganze Rest — Ein Nachschlagewerk ( Kathe , Paula and the rest of the bunch ! — A Reference Book ) , which has caused something of a stir ; and of course , finally , the exhibition showing the works of 70 of the members and guests of the association over its 125 year life , which includes 250 works loaned by 100 institutions and individuals .
6 It 's weird walking on it — I can feel my feet sink into it like I 'm walking on rubber .
7 His fingers closed round it and I felt the emptiness of fear fill solidly with relief .
8 Water collected from the deep ocean contains gases dissolved in it when it was last at the surface and the relative proportion of these gases depends on their solubilities and their concentrations in the atmosphere .
9 I thought that was a particularly er constructive day session , a lot of ideas came from it and I am sure that there will be a number of actions to be warranted from it .
10 He said : ‘ Sabine Jourdain had years to talk about it if she wished to do so .
11 Will the Prime Minister promise the House that no senior citizen , sick or disabled person need die from hypothermia or any illnesses resulting from it because they do not have the money to heat their homes ?
12 My view is that we 've got forty years to think about it and we can surely think ahead .
13 I mean , now I 've got several hundred pounds resting on it if I have to walk in the last few miles I will , but er pride I 'm sure I 'll keep going .
14 And I wanted napkins to go with it and they do n't have the napkins .
15 He tricked our neighbours to sit on it and they were never seen again .
16 A third way in which doctors may become interested in homoeopathy is through having one of their patients helped by it when they themselves had failed .
17 I 've had the roughest edges knocked off it when I went to University .
18 They did not dare camp on the western bank where the attack had been ; the eastern bank showed no signs of life but the tangled strips of trees continued along it and they mistrusted what they might hide .
19 He was , as I have said , correct in ignoring article 10 and the submissions based upon it if he was right that the law is certain .
20 The ships come into it because they Produce profits for the group — the only subsidiary company which does .
21 Provided a Minister can maintain an effective performance in the House , the Whips see to it that he will get his way .
22 Me and your mam did one this morning , I had about twenty minutes left on it and she helped me finish it off
23 I managed to get it working , but I 'll have to have some extensive repairs done to it when I get back home . ’
24 Her hands rested on it as she surveyed me with calm enquiry .
25 10.5 Each Party undertakes to each of the other Parties in respect of results generated by it that it will not at any time make any publication or disclosure that would prejudice the rights of any of the other Parties in making IPR applications except for publication or disclosure :
26 Well then should n't fathers think about it before they produce the children ?
27 Buttons reached for it and it was n't until they were flying it that Artemis saw the four-foot drop the other side .
28 Almost everyone on yearly wages in the opera houses owes his or her job to party pull and , once hired , the unions see to it that they are not sacked .
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