Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Many armies still relied on civilians to drive their artillery train and baggage-wagons , and on draught animals commandeered from civilians to pull them .
2 Where an employer seeks to impose new terms , he necessarily faces the problem of the previously bargained contract of employment and must initially show a sound good business reason to justify the changes when dismissals resulting from refusals to accept them are assessed for their fairness .
3 It can be suggested that the fiduciary duties imposed on directors subject them to similar standards of review by the courts .
4 The Government can not avoid the simple truth — the rents demanded by landlords to persuade them to stay in letting are far beyond the means of the great majority of potential tenants … the 1988 Act will lead to a smaller not a larger sector .
5 Change in ITV will not come overnight : ITV franchises still have three more years to run under contracts requiring them to offer factual programmes in peak hours , and a host of other public service obligations .
6 Researchers spent days sitting alongside pupils watching them learn .
7 Olson suggests that these organizations are sometimes artificial creations required by governments to provide them with a representative body they can negotiate with .
8 Stations throughout these areas invariably have their quota of migrants lying on the platforms waiting for trains to take them to another instalment of toil .
9 Such new social engineering is based on a specific form of behaviourist psychology — rewards and punishments directed at individuals teach them that actions have consequences , that failures or mistakes are punished and not rewarded , so that behaviour changes .
10 While conceding that ‘ thirty years of study and the writing of one million words must have left their mark on Newton 's mind ’ , Hall is inclined , on the whole , to reaffirm his verdict , published in a joint paper in 1958 , that Newton attempted to retrieve useful chemical facts from the enigmatic and mysterious terms employed by alchemists to conceal them .
11 Estate agents will now have to give consumers more information , with specific requirements to write to clients informing them of services they intend to offer to prospective purchasers , and to explain in writing terms such as ‘ sole agency ’ , ‘ ready , willing and able ’ , and ‘ sole selling rights ’ .
12 The level of tuition fees charged to students gives them the right to expect a professional standard of service , particularly with regard to test-marking ; the Education Service is judged , to a considerable extent , by that criterion .
13 When women complain about men calling them by endearment terms , it is often thought rather silly — the men are just trying to be friendly , after all , they do not intend any sexist slur .
14 Here , here , I second that on H on page thirty one very important one , the county council welcomes the recognition by the joint working party of the importance of meaningful support services to the elected members and the recomme recommendation that the Secretary of State should review and clarify the powers of local authorities to meet costs of services provided to members to enable them to carry out their duties as councillors Now the erm members appointments , appointments of member services sub have been discussing this issue and I would like to point out to members that we are not claiming the amount allowable for the paying members allowances we erm we 're way below the limit that 's allowable by the government Now before anyone say well what have you done about it ?
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