Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [noun sg] [conj] [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sequent is now a Microsoft Solutions Channel Partner and says it will license other Microsoft communications and system management tools for the WinServers .
2 Sequent is now a Microsoft Solutions Channel Partner and says it 'll licence other Microsoft connectivity and system management tools for the WinServers .
3 The revised structure brings shift controllers out of operations support branch and gives them a reporting route directly to terminal operations manager Roy Beardall .
4 Suppose a firm mines iron ore and converts it into 200 worth of high-grade steel , which is then sold to a car producer .
5 Stretching the leg muscles and tendons increases flexibility and improves one 's kicking potential , although the first purpose of stretching is to avoid injury .
6 teachers see it as natural justice ( comparison with colleagues reduces isolation and gives them a yardstick ) ;
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