Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The two brothers had not always got along very well but in spite of their differences , Spencer would never do anything to harm the firm or his brother .
2 Then , in a postscript , as if feeling that his measured words had not yet said enough , he added with a sudden note of desperation : ‘ May God preserve us & make us continue to be joy & comfort & wisdom & virtue to each other , my dear , dear , Poole ! ’
3 The UN Security Council on Nov. 29 approved Resolution 678 authorizing member governments to use " all necessary means " to ensure Iraq 's complete withdrawal from Kuwait , if by a deadline of Jan. 15 , 1991 , the Iraqis had not already done so and thereby complied with the UN 's previous resolutions .
4 It may be assumed that the impulse of cruelty arises from the instinct for mastery and appears a period of sexual life at which the genitals have not yet taken over their later role .
5 The collective mind in action is clearly an important topic but it seems to be a challenge which psychologists have not yet taken up .
6 In conclusion , it seems that the increasing incidence of audit committees has not yet brought about any significant improvement in perceptions of corporate accountability and has not restored confidence in financial reporting .
7 At the idea transfer level , machines have not yet demonstrated unequivocally the ability to process concepts in the way that human consciousness processes thought .
8 Leakey added that elephant populations had not yet recovered sufficiently to allow trade to resume , but predicted that talks with pro-trading states would continue .
9 The country was conquered by the Afghans but by the middle of the century the Persians had not only thrown out the Afghans but also marched through the Khyber Pass and captured India .
10 Traditional current affairs departments have n't quite figured out how to adjust their agenda to meet the shift .
11 The fact that the government is financing all their perks with a national debt that will bankrupt their children and a taxation policy that will see all their factory jobs being given to cheapo Moroccans and Poles has not yet struck home .
12 However , apomixis through pseudogamous agamospermy has been confirmed in a species of Hopea ( Dipterocarpaceae ) and inferred in two of Shorea on the presence of polyembryony or triploidy , e.g. S. macroptera , which is the first of the section to flower , when the pollinator numbers have not yet built up ( see section 6.3 ) and would experience the greatest vicissitudes if dependent on insects .
13 These avenues have not only taken up a lot of the time and energy of the present generation of activists but they have also reduced the reliance on the politics of the street demonstration by presenting alternative means of expression and action .
14 As the helicopter came down to land , to their dismay they saw that the organizers had not only laid on about fifteen different activities for the Prince to inspect , including mountain-bike scrambling ; but children from no fewer than five primary schools were gathered together in great banks to greet him .
15 The green lawns were bright and cut close , the thickets of daffodils had not quite died down along the edges of the drive .
16 But the philosophers have not yet caught up with the idea .
17 Such taboos have not entirely disappeared today .
18 In contrast , it is one of the lowest-ranked of the major journals at Durham , and Sheffield 's students have not yet published any first papers derived from PhD research in it .
19 In contrast , it is one of the lowest-ranked of the major journals at Durham , and Sheffield 's students have not yet published any first papers derived from Ph D research in it .
20 Researches under the auspices of Britain 's Rare Breeds Survival Trust suggest that the indigenous breeds have not yet diverged enough from each other for a high frequency of chromosomal polymorphism to be established and in most of them the similarities far outweigh the differences .
21 Almost a month after the 1 April changes , many local authorities have not yet set up assessment systems for drug and alcohol misusers and are failing to refer these clients for treatment .
22 Although the courts have not expressly said so , it may be more difficult to do anything for the casus omissus .
23 However , modern artists have n't always played live very much and ‘ paid their dues ’ .
24 He begins by reminding us that monopolies have not progressively wiped out non-monopolies , as the traditional Marxist model predicts , but have tended to reach agreements with them instead .
25 ‘ Surely a squadron with Hughie Edwards , VC , DSO , DFC as commander and the first squadron to have Mosquitos has n't just faded away , ’ says Stan who was an ‘ erk ’ wireless operator at Marham from July 1942 to April , 1943 , and now lives at 46 Ingram Street , Springfield , Wigan .
26 He 'd just founded it , and seen to it that nomes lived comfortable and not very strenuous lives in it , and apart from putting the signs on the walls had n't really interfered very much .
27 It 's o onl only a thought anyway , we just , as I say we 're just erm we 're mulling it over and it has n't the jobs have n't even come up yet , but erm it 's , it 's it 's a means to a
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