Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Often specific language associated with the eventual purpose has been identified and then activities devised which lead to no schematic extension , either because the specialist content is familiar or because the tasks are not designed to engage appropriate modes of thinking .
2 She worked crouching down , and the infinitesimal pace of her labours made her feel like an ant , toiling away earnestly at a microscopic task .
3 By all means snoop into my answer machine and sit through 20 messages suggesting I travel on a coach to Grimsby to review a Jive Bunny concert .
4 Folk live on those boats like they do on the Seine , it 's the artist 's life they 're leading there .
5 Four-fifths of course participants believe they conform to the ideal : they 're soon disabused by their peers
6 We tried to avoid such adventures by sticking to the deeper channels and harbours , but some guests demanded we anchor in the shallower lagoons where the rays glided above the bright sand and the grey snappers schooled and the barracudas patrolled .
7 More sensitive contemporary artists know they belong to a generation which can not produce imagery in this way any longer ; on the evidence of many current shows , young male artists appear to have ceded the territory which they occupied for so long and now find themselves — where ? — in a nowhere land where they are no longer the wielder of the language , the focus of identification , the dynamic of meaning , the authoritative producer of shared values .
8 PWL 's managing director David Howells entered the debate on Kylie 's future by insisting she had the qualities to see her endure in the same way pop 's Peter Pan Cliff Richard had .
9 Well it was just the They had the tables set you see in the hall .
10 one mistake you know forget something and you 'll be going round like this five pints I use , I use to see quite a lot of things missing you know in a certain time
11 ‘ I just hope I can keep shooting birdies like I have in the first two rounds . ’
12 Lay your pipelines to give yourself access to the clear light of understanding , through prayer and guidance from within .
13 At the lower end of the spinal cord , as the bundle is called , the nerve fibres emerge which run to the main sexual parts ( the situation is slightly more complicated in the woman but the picture will do ) .
14 There are still no signs of multi-culturalism to be found which is disappointing and worrying — surely the publishers realise we live in a multi-racial society ?
15 Considerable care was taken in constructing them , in hardwoods , and there is a conformity in the examples known which date from the fifth to eighth centuries .
16 Fragmented evidence suggests that questions about married women 's reasons for taking jobs tap the normative tip of the iceberg — that women say they work for the money because this is the socially acceptable reason .
17 The puzzles facing you range from the blatantly obvious to the hopelessly obscure : how , for example , can you pass the troll guarding the castle gate ?
18 WHEN Swedish authorities suddenly changed the wording they wanted on 50,000 yacht paint cans , Courtaulds Coatings found itself slap in the middle of a crisis .
19 Eastman Fine Chemicals gives you access to the capabilities of 3 respected worldwide suppliers of fine chemicals — Sterling Organics , the Kodak Laboratory and Research products Division and the Eastman Chemical Company of Eastman Kodak Company .
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