Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There is good evidence that sediment from these terrains is a component of several sandstones formed from sources in the United Kingdom , although few sandstones are derived solely from the Moine or the Lewisian .
2 Fund raising activities undertaken by members of the ‘ Johnson Matthey family ’ have raised over £18,000 in the first six months of the programme .
3 In the main subway itself , a few more yards on , there was much more light , as there were lamps hanging from hooks on the walls as well as lining the floor .
4 The rich coastal plain continued to provide the base for great estates , ruled by their thegns , some of whom had their possessions ratified by charters like the one just quoted , whose boundaries can often still be traced .
5 Forty-five coaches stopped at checkpoints on the A2 in Kent exceeded permitted weight restrictions and passengers were ordered to unload duty-frees before being allowed to continue their journeys .
6 She is , of course , renowned for her critical essays punctuated with cusses on the male of the species and does n't spare the blushes or the punches when exposing them to ridicule .
7 The conference , which ended a day earlier than planned , was reportedly marred by disagreements centring on perceptions of the Gulf war and the merits of Middle East peace talks currently in progress [ see pp. 38594-95 ; 38693 ] .
8 There are also signs that in the new era of competitiveness between them , institutions are becoming reluctant to open their course offerings to the critical gaze of panel members drawn from institutions competing for contracts with the funding bodies .
9 Most of these views were expressed , in less articulate terms , in numerous informal discussions arranged with members of the relevant departments of the council bureaucracy , prior to fieldwork in Shetland .
10 To emphasise the art , because most religions communicate to non-believers through the objects they make .
11 It is understood Customs are checking for adverts placed in newspapers by the businessmen to promote their auctions .
12 This is tackled through the ethical system of values socialised into doctors through the long process of training and , in many countries , by trying to break the link between clinical decision-making and the financial self-interest of the doctor , through third-party payment or salaried service .
13 The localities described by Cooke and colleagues are essentially local market-places competing with others in the international network .
14 Such claims are always contentious in climatic circles , and opponents of the work claim that the cycles are not statistically significant , and criticise Vines 's claim that the patterns correlate with changes in the Sun 's activity .
15 In Britain the Communist Party returned to its attempts to work with sections of the Labour Party .
16 Furthermore , he made real attempts to come to terms with the Emperor , and it seemed likely that the papal imperial conflict would now be resolved .
17 Earlier , permissive legislation had already enabled some authorities to innovate in services for the disabled .
18 But the whole drift of events was towards a widening and consolidation of the immunities claimed by diplomats in the performance of their duties .
19 These are questions which were first posed over fifty years ago , but they have obviously made little lasting impact on a literature where the expenditure flows depicted in elaborations of the model have been the principal focus of attention .
20 Much of it was part of large estates owned by members of the landed aristocracy , who became aware of the potential wealth beneath their holdings .
21 He spoke out as the development services committee was asked by Leech Homes to agree to changes in the types of houses to be built on land in Bankhead Street , Seaham .
22 The signalman went down the steps to search for signs of the visitor but there was no one about .
23 Horses are thought to acquire infection mainly from pastures contaminated by donkeys during the summer months .
24 It has a stand of four baluster-style turned legs joined by stretchers in the usual English fashion .
25 I bent forward to see if I could recognise him — there was something vaguely familiar about him , the voice perhaps — and then he hit me on the side of my head — ’ Poor Miss Watson faltered and her eyes filled with tears at the memory of that vicious blow .
26 THE Government yesterday took the unprecedented step of releasing more confidential correspondence between Lord Young and British Aerospace , revealing new details of secret tax breaks and private concessions given by ministers over the Rover deal .
27 The most exhaustive exercise of this kind centres on measuring productivity growth by methods developed by economists in the 1950s and 1960s [ Denison , 1968 ; Matthews et al. , 1982 ] .
28 The losses led to calls for the resignation of the national leadership .
29 He added that demands placed on teachers by the national curriculum often meant there was not enough time for cycling lessons , but many of the town 's primary schools were involved .
30 With a grin , Doyle said , ‘ I heard of a German bloke who kept one of our lads hidden for years after the War .
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