Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Half the original defenders lay dead or dying in the rooms of the old chateau , the courtyard , grounds , and pheasantry .
2 Some adjustments can amount to a loss of steadfastness , others can lead to values becoming curtained or shadowed in such a way that they are no longer clear to other people .
3 That 's a bit bland , is n't it ? ’ he challenged teasingly , his eyes appearing dark and glittering in the dim light of the candles , and his lashes impossibly long and thick .
4 Even before 1905 , a solidly-based mass press had come into being , and in the last decade of the Empire there was an explosion in the publication of newspapers , while the number of books appearing more than trebled in the first decade and a half of the century .
5 Membership of the United Nations has more than quadrupled since 1945 , greatly complicating international negotiations , while a fundamental conflict of interest between developed and less developed states introduced a North-South dimension to global politics .
6 But her face was not full but fallen , the pale skin stretched over slight bones , the eyes grown enormous and calm like grey glass .
7 Soon his hands started to run over her , caressing the fullness of her breasts , her nipples growing taut and straining against his palm as her back arched .
8 Increasing recognition of how oppositional images get incorporated and redefined in ‘ mainstream ’ fashion , coupled with an awareness that images do not have fixed meanings and can be subverted , has led to a re-evaluation of traditionally ‘ erotic ’ clothes .
9 Ungrounded in social realities , fuzzy anxieties become magnified and fixed into unpleasant certainties .
10 Their personal miseries become insignificant when compared with bloodthirsty accounts from our various war sectors .
11 The knives stood sharp and shining in their racks .
12 Against these sums the sentences imposed on the defendants appear modest when compared to less successful white-collar criminals .
13 After that , his senses remained strained and alert for several hundred paces , but there was no more hint of a shadow , and as he moved away from the busier streets he became increasingly confident that he was alone .
14 For council tenants , London rents have more than trebled between 1979 and 1989 .
15 He would be deeply moved and encouraged , in his dreams , even by the smallest and most ordinary bud ; his nostrils got raw and caked with fine dirt as he knelt down and sniffed and sniffed to try and catch the first smell of green life .
16 To achieve this , individuals remain awake and seated for a full 24 hours ( the time for the rhythm to show a full cycle ) and the way they spend their time is as constant as possible .
17 Occasionally a garishly painted truck passed us , raising a cloud of dust , and away to the west , hanging over us and clearly visible now that the clouds had lifted , the coastal range of the cordilleras towered pale and trembling in the heat .
18 One major factor , of course , was that the possible alternatives seemed enfeebled and lacking in conviction .
19 All this means that individuals feel estranged and confused by an event that has very powerful consequences in their life but which they did not witness and feel very frightened of .
20 The universities looked run-down and neglected in sharp contrast to new luxury hotels being built with foreign loans and technology in the large cities .
21 It seems likely that improvements in the health and work capacity of the elderly population over the last eighty years have more than compensated for any putative increase in the physical and mental demands of employment ; if so , rising retirement rates may reflect a decrease in the demand for the labour of elderly workers over a period in which their employment capacity has risen .
22 Asian families , for the most part , are organized in such a way as to keep a firm control over their children , integrating them into a tightly knit web of relationships within the community where religious traditions remain strong and create in the members a respect for norms , seniority and morality .
23 But unless one realizes that there is a mind structure , including appropriate sensory and motor indriyas at a subtle level , as well as corresponding sense organs and motor functions , such experimental observations remain obscure and lacking in a full understanding and interpretation .
24 For example , many managers became confused and distracted by the mechanics and terminology ( jargon ) of the elaborate planning systems increasingly in vogue .
25 Gradually the colour of the Ayrshire cattle became selected and standardised as various shades of brown with white , clearly defined , though even now there are some black-and-whites .
26 But these figures look insignificant when compared to the cost of computer security breaches .
27 And it 's only in the minority of cases where things go wrong that come to the attention at the Trading Standards Department .
28 Similarly , in an 1894 speech , Millicent Fawcett pressed for the vote on the grounds that she ‘ wished to strengthen true womanliness in women , and because I want to see the womanly and domestic side of things weigh more and count for more in all public concerns ’ .
29 Jitters leaned close and spat at the cowboy .
30 The abbot 's guests had dispersed decorously , Rémy and Earl Robert in amicable company to the guesthall , where Bénezet was already returned from his evening in the town , in good time to attend his lord , as the earl 's two squires stood ready and waiting for theirs .
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