Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When considering the armament of your Goblins remember arming them up with light armour and fancy weapons makes them expensive for what they are .
2 ‘ They spend their entire lives trying to match me up with the most unsuitable women you could possibly hope to meet . ’
3 WHEN a firm first sells shares to the public , investors tend to gobble them up with relish .
4 On the bright side , the area is attracting sizeable foreign investment , particularly from Japanese and Korean companies , and has a strong core of business and local government leaders fighting to pull it up by its bootstraps .
5 On NoS they were being treated to the miracle of new technology , bypassing the National Graphical Association compositors who , before the age of ‘ direct entry ’ computers , retyped the articles on Linotype hot metal machines after the subs had marked them up in pencil .
6 Ms Fiona Reynolds of the Council for National Parks has kept me up to date with the progress of the EEC 's Agricultural Structures Review .
7 John and his friend then began to fight back and were gaining the upper hand when the police intervened slamming them up against a wall with their arms pinned behind their backs .
8 Men had beaten him up on several occasions , for no apparent reason .
9 But the men had to balance it up by , what they called chits , tha that came on every garment and how much er money they were getting for it .
10 The evening before , when the boy was buying a betel-leaf from a shop , the police had hauled him up as a vagabond ; they were responding to the jail authorities ' appeal to book more helpers … .
11 This probably helped undermine support for a new right-wing party , the National Democrats , whose anti-U S , anti-Soviet and anti-immigrant policies had won it up to ten per cent of support in Länder elections in 1966 — 8 .
12 This was a slow process , for Tom had to keep stopping to explain what the words meant , and several times had to look them up in a dictionary .
13 He said in a letter to The Times that ministers had to leave it up to the court whether or not the documents should be disclosed .
14 She could n't even accuse him of laying a finger on her , since she was always fast asleep when he joined her in the large bed , and the twins arrived to wake her up in the morning .
15 The rockets were kept in a big steel locker on Orion 's deck and my helpers had to hand them up to me in my pillar box .
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