Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] have [adv] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In other areas Parliament has specifically provided that tax paid which was not lawfully due to be paid may be recovered and it has laid down the machinery and the conditions for repayment , including the payment of interest .
2 The pressure groups such as Political and Economic Planning and the Next Five Years Group had already foreshadowed many of the policies indicated by the Beveridge report , while the BMA was already an advocate of the creation of a comprehensive health service .
3 On the plus side , the appeals system has undoubtedly caused many LEAs to tighten up their procedures .
4 In contrast to historians ' accounts of international events , or indeed the actors ' views of their own contribution as recorded in their autobiographies , International Relations theories have usually put most emphasis on impersonal units and forces .
5 Tonight as the family of Mark Windram come to terms with his death police officers have again warned those who steal cars that their actions all too often end in tragedy .
6 Equally , a number of property services departments have often managed all local-authority properties from one budget for , say , property maintenance , with no absolute need to identify separate budgets for , say , social services or schools , let alone identify in the accounts individual invoices received following repairs to individual establishments .
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