Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun] [vb past] [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 He gestured towards the notes Lindsey had taken from the envelope .
2 And just to show the Brownies he really was their friend , Farmer Bolsover sent along to the barn for them all the apples Penny had shaken from the tree she had climbed in his orchard !
3 Mortimer also generously offered his three guests weapons from Marine stores , but they refused , since they were well-equipped with items Ace had hijacked from the Palace .
4 On the costume side the addition of ‘ Mickey Mouse ’ feet strove to give them both an alien and a slightly comic appearance , again emphasising the points Whitaker wanted stressed from the script about these quizzical little xenophobics .
5 In Inverness , Johnson held forth on the benefits Scotland had derived from the Union , and after church they saw the Quay and Macbeth 's Castle , and had lunch with Mr Keith , the excise collector , whose wife quizzed Johnson about his ‘ drinking water ’ .
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