Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] when [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was still in hospital five months later when I finished my tour .
2 Doherty was aghast 12 months ago when he made his first attempt to win the title and lost heavily to the unfancied Fergal O'Brien but this year he was determined to wipe out that memory and win his third title in a matter of months .
3 Thomas last played in the full England side 13 months ago when he won his first cap in Saudi Arabia and did little of consequence .
4 It 's been fully serviced up to 4 months ago when I bought it .
5 The total cost of the expedition had come to roughly £2,00 — half of which Gould was to recoup less than seven years later when he sold his collection of Australian birds for £1,000 .
6 ‘ There 's nothing glamorous about war , ’ he 'd tell the boys years later when he found them watching yet another Great American War Movie on the TV .
7 That was the last , as I thought , of my Criterion obituary ; but because of some slightly disparaging remarks I made in it of Montgomery Belgion , a Criterion contributor , I incurred the bitter enmity of that enigmatic figure , which exploded years later when he reviewed my book on Simone Weil .
8 Later in that passage he wrote : ‘ It was n't until thirty years later when I saw her in another woman [ Elizabeth Taylor ] that I realised I had been searching for her all my life . ’
9 Is that , I thought that the card and Serve take it out for the doctors a few weeks back when he got your bronchitis and you were n't too well and erm , car picked him up and took him up there , then you get
10 Edwards has emphasised , ever since the annual meeting two weeks ago when he used his majority shareholding to secure Knighton a place on the United board that he would make his decision at the end of this season .
11 Edwards has emphasised , ever since the annual meeting two weeks ago when he used his majority shareholding to secure Knighton a place on the board , that he would make his decision at the end of this season .
12 JACK CHARLTON ( Leeds and England 1952–72 ) : ‘ I think he summed it up for me a couple of years ago when they questioned him being an Englishman in charge of the Irish team .
13 The money should have been there four-and-a-half years ago when we needed it most .
14 Tralbaut mentions an old woman who knew Vincent well , and who told him , many years ago when he began his researches , ‘ There are n't men like that nowadays . ’
15 Michele Bou , 40 , who moved to Sorn Green , Glenrothes , about ten years ago when he married his Fife-born wife , Theresa , was flown by RAF helicopter to the neurological unit at Glasgow 's Southern General Hospital from Belford Hospital in Fort William on Sunday suffering from head injuries .
16 Thing is I did n't like to ask her about her mum because er , did n't think she , she was very quite bad a few years ago when I knew her .
17 Do you think things are better now than they were five years ago when you started your help line ?
18 Erm , you know she had this cancer seven years ago when she had her breast cancer and , had her breast taken off they 've now found it 's gone further in seven years she , you know , she was
19 It seemed years , ages later when she found herself picking up pieces of broken plate and wiping fried egg off the tiles — so that Gran , when she returned , would find the kitchen tidy .
20 His conclusion that it was simply an old-fashioned recognition of his comparative youth was to be torpedoed a few minutes later when he heard her addressing his neighbour as Alf .
21 He continued to wear glasses even when he found them unnecessary simply because they had become part of his image .
22 Whilst federalism was not mentioned in her critique of Europe 's future , she made her feelings plain when she expressed her opposition to the suppression of nationhood and to the fitting of British customs and traditions into an ‘ identikit European personality ’ .
23 His child-like enjoyment of the new equipment and gadgetry he came to be able to afford in later life gave warmly affectionate amusement to his friends especially when they found him camping in his own front garden in the latest tent and sleeping bag , or were asked to take him , when he was stone-blind from glaucoma , to the locations of his favourite plants to photograph them with an auto-focus camera .
24 INDIGO GIRLS Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the folk club …
25 Third , though the agora certainly has a religious aspect — Kleisthenes probably purified it and banned burials there when he gave it new political importance — it also , and equally certainly , was a place where ordinary commerce was carried on , thus Demosthenes ( xviii.169 ) mentions the wicker booths set up for trading there .
26 A few moments later when she opened her eyes she was startled to find her vision filled by the tanned shoulders of Ross as he leaned over her prone body .
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