Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Growers here had expected a bumper season .
2 Smaller companies or companies not having made a previous acquisition will often ask us to act as intermediaries .
3 Yet these movements undoubtedly have had a profound influence on Western political culture , especially in Germany and southern Europe where cold war attitudes are less deeply embedded and political processes have been more decentralised .
4 ‘ She died in our midst six weeks later having got a swifter visa to eternity than we have to South Africa but we know she goes with us in spirit and will help our endeavours far more powerfully from above , ’ said Sister Bernadette .
5 On their own terms , successive governments here have done a respectable job of housing the African population .
6 I wondered what memories were passing through the minds of the other members of the group , especially those that 50 years earlier had paid a flying visit to Norway in rather different circumstances .
7 The Prince , of course , had to go and say hello , and disappeared once again , emerging ten minutes later having had a long discussion with the chief brass player .
8 The fourth John Booth founded another major firm in partnership with John Hartop and George Binks , whose own families also had had a long involvement in the local metal trades .
9 A SPANIARD defends his German Masters title this week , after being stung into winning last year when he was left out of the Suntory World Matchplay Championship , while an Australian plays here having sacrificed a lucrative place in this year 's matchplay event , writes Norman Dabrell from Stuttgart .
10 Getting Government bureaucrats to take local problems seriously has proved a major headache for a group of village campaigners .
11 Spices certainly have come a long way since their early days , when they were a rare commodity and it was considered an honour to receive them as a gift .
12 The demand for bank lending will fall , not because of a rise in the ‘ own ’ rate of interest on bank loans but because the fall in interest rates elsewhere has caused a relative rise in bank interest rates .
13 The discovery of the two bodies yesterday has started a new check on the 30,000 US civilians in Panama .
14 The Welshman grabbed a 58th minute headed equaliser after Steve Staunton 's spectacular strike five minutes earlier had threatened a dramatic smash-and-grab of three Premier League points by former manager Ron Atkinson .
15 He 's signed up to go racing in America for a fistful of dollars … and few a for dollars more has got a new book out …
16 Falling property markets abroad have had a knock-on effect in Sweden .
17 These three rows , selecting the needles and knitting two rows between have created a sloping repeat motif across the row .
18 It is interesting to find , therefore , that in certain systems there has evolved a tighter and more centralised system of control with curriculum units established and housed within ministries of education .
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