Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [Wh det] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And the fact that the person whom I appro I have approached about the project is erm does travel have meetings so which we can record .
2 But I know from our Charlton Athletic days exactly what he can do .
3 At one of our constituency surgeries , a retired widow came in to see us concerning the seventeen pounds extra which she would have to pay extra er to cover the other non-payments .
4 ‘ There have been a lot of stories recently which I would have handled differently . ’
5 You may find it useful to have a user directory for the LIFESPAN Manager ; there will be certain command files etc. which you may wish to build for routine activities , and keeping them out of SYS$LIFESPAN : is helpful , as discussed in Appendix A. Whether you then choose to have this directory or SYS$LIFESPAN : as the LIFESPAN Manager 's default directory is up to you .
6 good descriptive booklet and it tells you on the back , in actual fact I 've got some handouts here which you can pick up when we 've finished the talk , okay ?
7 Er I 've got some notes here which I can go through would n't actually be necessary but When Sally-Ann 's going through her notes if anyone else would like raise anything which backs it up or disagrees with it or whatever then , you know please you know butt in and say whatever think might might be relevant at the time .
8 So if you were to convert the pairs of scores to their relative Z scores then what you would find is that the positive Z's , if one score is positive , then the other score should also be positive .
9 THE Government was unable to explain in the Lords yesterday what it will do if Vietnam refuses to accept the boat people to be repatriated from Hong Kong .
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