Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb pp] as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He watched his friend watching Isabel and his hazel eyes slowly widened as he took in the tightly drawn stillness in the other man 's body , the white-knuckled fist still clenched against the wall .
2 His eyes suddenly narrowed as he looked at her , and there was a silence charged with meaning between the two of them .
3 You must learn to have a little more confidence in your … ’ he hesitated , his firmly-moulded lips slightly parted as he searched for a word ‘ … desirability . ’
4 But despite his willingness to collaborate with this tall , blond , handsome editor and publisher with his square , even teeth invariably clamped over fat Turkish cigarettes and whose ice-blue eyes sometimes narrowed as he weighed up the profit or nuisance value of a potential contributor , Vaughan regarded Lehmann critically , detecting mistrust and calculation behind the editor 's apparent kindness and friendliness .
5 With a choked little cry he jumped backwards , turned and plunged into the unseen , gripping the banister and screwing his eyes tightly closed as he ran .
6 ‘ All right , ’ she said nervously , and watched , hands tightly clasped as he set off .
7 Then he wondered if great explorers ever felt as he did — excited , yes , but more than a little frightened too !
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