Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [pron] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I mean there 's not many discos round here what you can see for kids .
2 you see the thing is Paul what you I could help you do is there are several modern buildings round here which we could investigate .
3 Right , well as I say I 've got your details here so what I 'll do is if you bear with me I 'll go and a have a look through the drawers and see what we 've got available .
4 Er no we do n't not really because at this stage now as you said there 's so many good standards out there you we would every year we would start off with about a hundred titles , work our way down to maybe fifty down to thirty and we 'd end up recording about in fact this year we recorded thirty six songs and out of that we picked twenty two for the
5 Er , I I I thought it extremely discourteous of Councillor instead of responding to my letter he goes to the press and starts complaining , this does n't seem to me the way to sort out the problem at all and I am equally aware of the problem er and if it only helps me get some facts together then it it will strengthen my arm getting things sorted out .
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