Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the First Duma met in April 1906 it was dominated by Kadets , led by P. N. Miliukov , and peasant deputies loosely bound together in the Trudovik ( Labour ) Group .
2 Paul was singing to himself and asking questions of the type children tend to , such as why were n't the birds all blown away during the storm , and why did n't the sea fill up with water with the stream going so hard ?
3 While it is true that the terms of the debate are often unclear , and while confusing signs constantly come even from the Euro-enthusiasts ( such as when the French Foreign Minister called for ‘ une fédération d'Etats souverains ’ the overwhelming evidence indicates that the prime movers in European union mean business .
4 Instead of being nearly square uprights they have a length almost half as great again as their height , which is nearly two feet ; the triglyphs apparently stood only over the columns , not between .
5 Patients were then treated with 120 mg tripotassium dicitratobismuthate ( DeNol , Brocades , Weybridge , Surrey , UK ) four times daily for one month , 400 mg metronidazole three times daily , and 500 mg tetracycline four times daily taken concurrently for the first two weeks of treatment .
6 Her lovely fingers merely hovered momentarily over the sugar-coated biscuits arranged on a china plate with tiny pink flowers and a fluted edge .
7 In contrast , with inside out patches ( for example , Fig 2A ) channels generally spent longer in the open state at equivalent values of V c o m , while closed times were similar to those seen in cell attached patches ( see below ) .
8 In the 1970s , most Keynesians , monetarists and marxists still believed firmly in the validity of their diagnoses and the efficacy of their remedies .
9 Croatian and Bosnian forces recaptured Mostar from the Serbs last June , but the shells still fall sporadically from the mountains , and no-one here believes the Serbs are finished yet .
10 The two large propeller fans still rotated slowly above the room , the prostitutes still mingled with the foreign journalists and Jenkins was still behind the counter .
11 Peruvian taxi drivers still smiled broadly at the memory .
12 These repetitive simultaneous pressure waves usually occurred together with the lower oesophageal sphincter component of the migrating motor complex .
13 Whereas Budget speeches once consisted mainly of a very detailed and technical discussion of taxation and borrowing , they now also contain a review of the progress of the British economy against the world economic background and a description of government economic policies .
14 It is important to note that the elimination of the conditioned response is not accompanied by any motor dysfunction ; the animals still blink normally to the air puff .
15 Its correspondents are such irritating pedants that we listeners always feel completely on the BBC 's side .
16 The Sicilian tyrants also look backwards to the archaic age of mainland Greece : Gelon 's appeal to the Syracusan populace is demagogy of a kind that recalls Pisistratus , as does Dionysius ' demand for a bodyguard .
17 The Northern Ireland Institute of Coaching presents eight different awards each year with the winners automatically going forward to the UK finals .
18 Other churches in the area which have similar Byzantine characteristics also differ mainly from the Constantinople pattern by their ovoid domes , elongated and double curved pendentives , their Romanesque fenestration and arcading ; also these churches are built on the western style Latin cross plan .
19 Before and after this period , subjects also pointed either at an auditory target or using a non-preferred hand in order to identify the mechanism by which this adaptation occurred .
20 The second of the two brothers also died soon after the events I have described , and it is probable that Gunhilda then returned to Wilton , for she was later remembered there with honour .
21 Reflecting in her vague kindly way that it was very nice for Jasper to have friends of his own age to play with in the holidays , a lot better than in the days when he had lived in that tower block in Walworth , she was still thinking along these lines as she entered the gateless gateway and found her eyes irresistibly turning upwards to the bell .
22 My eyes then focus directly between the top of the windscreen and the roof , and if I 'm at the front at traffic lights , I feel like Ayrton Senna would if you blindfolded him and put him on pole position .
23 Dalgliesh had last seen Blaney six months earlier splashing alone along the edge of the beach , painting gear slung over his shoulder , and was shocked by the change in the man .
24 The genealogist who has traced his family tree as far back as is possible through the use of the civil registration records kept at St Catherine 's House , London , and local registry offices then turns naturally to the baptism , marriage and burial registers of the Church of England for the preceding generations .
25 Mr Yeltsin , meanwhile , asked the 1,033 members of the Congress of People 's Deputies not to go ahead with a planned impeachment vote .
26 It just lifted the roofing from the base of the stack and hen houses just scattered all over the place .
27 Separate Israeli-Lebanese and Israeli-Syrian meetings finally began late in the evening of Nov. 3 , after US and Arab diplomats had helped resolve disagreements over procedure between Israeli and Syrian representatives .
28 This is a pity and I 'm afraid it 's a case of your researchers not seeing much beyond the end of their dicks .
29 As this was an art movement which America embraced with unprecedented enthusiasm and unrivalled breadth of vision , and as we specialise so much in American art objects ( we showed at the Modernism Fair in New York last year ) , the theme has provided a vehicle to address the famously discriminating audience of Grosvenor House with objects normally found only in a handful of the most forward looking museums .
30 After a long day of presentations , the angels and the businessmen finally get together in the traditional way .
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