Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] may [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A typical approach is to assume a ratio of hydrogen to helium which is the same or fairly similar to that measured in the atmosphere , and to assume that there is a small fraction of heavier elements and their compounds which may be concentrated in a core or dispersed to a greater or lesser extent .
2 We have reached an understanding that we are never not communicating ; whether silent or talking , hunched in a chair or pacing the floor , we are giving signals which may be interpreted by others .
3 Section 6 of the Act provides remedies which may be invoked by the Secretary of State or , by delegation from the Secretary of State , by the S.I.B .
4 In order to recognize the different characteristics of individual fabrics it is helpful to know a little about the raw materials used ( i.e. , fibre content ) and the weave and various finishes which may be applied to it , as it is the combination of these factors that affect its appearance , how it handles and its performance .
5 A right of conscientious objection to military service , and perhaps to some other legal duties , combines a political pursuit of goals which may be justified by their contribution to a valid conception of the good with a refusal to ram that conception down the throats of people who are deeply opposed to it .
6 But in our rushed , modern lifestyle we often rely on convenience foods and snacks which may be lacking in proper nutrition .
7 Many of the variables which may be related to subjective risk may also be related to subsequent recall of situations .
8 There is , of course , a substantial , and growing , body of precedents which may be used by the drafter preparing a set of standard terms .
9 By seeing the failures of women as sins which may be repented of , rather than the unalterable course of nature , she advances a far more positive view of her sex than does Pope .
10 There are three basic books which may be studied to good effect : A Complete Guide to Heraldry by A.C. Fox-Davies , revised in 1969 by John Brooke-Little , the present Norroy and Ulster King of Arms ; Boutell 's Heraldry , also revised by Brook-Little ( 1983 ) ; and A New Dictionary of Heraldry ( 1987 ) edited by Stephen Friar .
11 A group of wards could , for example , share resources in developing formal planned sessions which may be facilitated by one or more practitioners .
12 Thus the numerical solutions themselves may be considered to be approaching an equilibrium or periodic solution .
13 As the same melody is used more than once for different words , no kind of ‘ word painting ’ can take place , for the notes which may be used for joy in one verse may be needed for melancholy in another .
14 In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future .
15 As yet there has been no detailed attempt to assess the possible effects of such hot-spot ‘ migration ’ on landscape development , but there is some evidence from the stratigraphic record of the movement of topographic swells across continents which may be related to the passage of hot spots or similar thermal phenomena .
16 Appendix C describes the keywords which may be used in the RDBI configuration file .
17 The ‘ Leopardi ’ apartment is just outside the castle walls , whilst the ‘ Carducci ’ and ‘ Fucini ’ apartments are next to the excellent swimming pool and tennis courts which may be used by Citalia guests .
18 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
19 A ley , by definition , is a temporary sward of chosen species of grasses , clovers , and herbs which may be designed for a short or long term .
20 In this context , an issue of particular interest is the estimation of characteristic values which may be used as ‘ benchmarks ’ for lending and other financial decisions .
21 The disk is covered with scales which may be obscured by thickened skin .
22 The disk is round , slightly indented over the arms ; covered with small imbricating scales which may be obscured by a dense covering of granules ; diameter up to 25 mm .
23 Again , ‘ The possibility of this universal love and joy in all that exists is of supreme importance for the conduct and happiness of life , and gives inestimable value to the mystic emotion , apart from any creeds which may be built upon it .
24 Products which may be damaged by heat ( eg chocolate , candles ) should be stored in a cool area , away from direct sunlight .
25 Natural waters , including surface waters and shallow groundwaters , contain information about mobile weathering products which may be used in a complimentary manner to stream sediment and soil sampling ( Edmunds , 1971 ) .
26 This also means that it is not possible to compare the dissociation from isolated GC sites with that from clusters of such sites which may be stabilised by cooperative interaction .
27 The functions which may be exercised by parish , town and community councils are nearly all concurrent functions with district councils .
28 the well was dry but provided valuable information pointing to further exploration prospects in several areas which may be tested by 1993 drilling .
29 Do n't forget , Master , there are other mysteries which may be contained in the documents in that casket .
30 Burrough ( 1986 ) identifies three main groups of factors that govern the errors which may be associated with spatial data processing .
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