Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have just [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He turned to John Scales who had just come in .
2 I 'll er for years she 's just come back and she 's I said I want .
3 ‘ How often in the course of driving a car , taking a walk , or some routine activity , do you ‘ wake up ’ to discover that , for the moment at least , you have no recollection of the places you have just passed through or the things you have just done ? ’
4 They 're always looking forward to going places they 've just come back from , or regretting doing things they have n't yet done .
5 Infanticide by males which have just taken over a harem is probably common in nature in many species : it has been observed several times in the Hanuman langur ( Presbytis entellus , a species of primate ) and has been anecdotally recorded in many other mammals .
6 The it comes straight from the coa from the er mines and it 's it 's sent through chutes on these merry-go-round railways that go slow and they stop over this and then it 's all pulverized with heavy steel balls into powder and coal and into the furnaces it 's just blown in .
7 Papers are missing from the names I 've just read out .
8 Most faces have turned to watch the ā gri who 's just come out of the shrine and is standing in the doorway .
9 It is typical of British tennis that Annabel Croft , who had not played a serious match for five years , should celebrate a light-hearted comeback by beating one of our brightest prospects who has just taken up the game professionally .
10 The bearer turned left along a line of houses they had just come out of .
11 Don Mini turned to one of the robins which had just come back from a practice flight with a child Minpin on its back .
12 Breeze wondered why his righteous indignation did not prompt him to offer his seat to one of the women who had just got in , clutching a shopping-basket with one hand and a baby with the other .
13 A high powered Sierra was careering down a steep hill in Wotton under Edge.When the driver reached the bottom he lost control and ploughed into the women who 'd just got out of their parked cars .
14 The ones she had just knocked down were on their feet again , hopping on the steps around her .
15 It 'll change as you get older erm you wo n't necessarily just have that all the time we used to run these courses for students who had just come out of college and they were joining their company to work for the first first time and we used to do this and we used to find that many of the people who had just taken out the job for the first time had very very flat scores .
16 They were the weavers followed by a few tottering sailors who had just come out of another tavern .
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