Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have [been] [v-ing] with " in BNC.

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1 Our apologies to all our readers who have been struggling with this .
2 For months they had been trying with divets and tackle to hoist the appropriate two-ton stone upright and into its hole .
3 In desperation , the previous week , he had ordered the children to select a favourite passage from books he had been reading with them , write it out in their best handwriting and then add some comments on what they enjoyed about the piece and about the book in general .
4 During the last minutes she had been talking with extreme rapidity in a light high voice .
5 I may be a little bit behind the times , but over the last couple of days I 've been experimenting with voice mail .
6 For over twenty years I have been experimenting with how we show music : not only the work of the orchestra , how they play , but also the way the instruments are brought in as part of the musical argument .
7 As had happened before with the labour education programs , the organisations which had been working with Highlander , and which had grown in depth of perspective and experience , took over the running of their own grass roots educational activities .
8 As well as developing these national awards we have been working with a number of employers and other organisations to develop awards which are tailored to their individual needs .
9 Because of our experience at Scone Park and in many other projects in the twelve years we have been working with young offenders , we , along with the other children 's charities , oppose the government 's proposals on persistent young offenders .
10 Abie Klugman had long grown used to the taunt — it was Aronson 's stock joke for all of the ten years they had been lodging with Mrs Neumann , and he no longer minded it .
11 The core of the business and the business development is at and that 's the main problems we 've been having with because not co-operating
12 ‘ Before the student demonstrations I had been working with a group of Latin American intellectuals in Paris , helping bring out a magazine .
13 And the players I 'd been working with previously went along with me , from using my modified equipment to using my custom-built equipment .
14 Let me tell you the sort of guys I 've been dealing with for years . ’
15 But on the other hand I 'm pleased the reasons they 've given for the delay are the points we 've been raising with them over the last two years .
16 Then Candy brought forward a witness who assured police he had been drinking with the prisoner in the Star , another central Reading public house , at the time of the murder .
17 He was surprised , since for all Boy 's nights out , during which , as the man correctly assumed , Boy had sex with many different men , he never received visits , calls or letters from the men he had been sleeping with .
18 And anyway I walked past him and he went back and he was sh moaning at her so erm two of the old boys he 'd been working with said whatever 's all that about ?
19 Walking slowly through autumn streets he had been wrestling with the ways in which it appeared to him that Coleridge had made use of a now little known book , Ridley 's Tales of the Genii .
20 The party reacted with unnecessary embarrassment and defensiveness to government attacks on general talks it has been holding with the Greens , and its desire , as part of its traditional Ostpolitik , to press on with contacts with the Communist party in East Berlin despite the sudden surge of open opposition to the government by East German citizens .
21 Whoever expected the little grey devils I had been assaulting with white arrows and rolling with white healing balls to reappear in my lung ?
22 On several occasions I have been chatting with someone who relies on speechreading , and suddenly all the lights have gone out , cutting us off completely .
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