Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's the second time in twenty-four hours I 've had a swim in that damned water .
2 I 'm sure you already have too many papers to read , but since I have spare copies I have enclosed a background paper we received on a European coastal conservation strategy , and a commentary on the EC and the Ramsar Convention in preparation for the 5th conference of the contracting parties of the Convention .
3 During the hot summers I 've had a lot of lettuce and tomato with maybe a bit of fruit .
4 There 's one happening today in ten minutes I 've got a car waiting outside
5 Sure enough , within a couple of minutes I had raised a trucker .
6 In higher grade cases , some Down 's people have undergone operations , either at their own or their parents ' instigation , to alter the physical characteristics which have become a stigma for them .
7 What he had n't mentioned was that we would be dining out in restaurants which had attracted a nod from Michelin , a faint damn from Gault-Millau or a paragraph of wet-dream prose in a British Sunday .
8 As the project progressed , it was also harder to find schools which fitted the original criteria for Minors , e.g. one library division had been fortunate in finding Majors , but began to find it difficult to identify , for Minor recommendation , " schools which have had a degree of interest and success for some years " .
9 An expert can be liable in contract or tort to both the parties who have referred an issue to him for decision : see 14.514.11 .
10 From among the 130 candidates who had expressed an interest in the Headmastership , Mr. Hugh Raymond Wright was eventually chosen .
11 Just who was this attractive fifty-year-old woman with the warm brown eyes who had found a place in Dad 's heart so quickly ?
12 I know several inspectors who have refused a college scholarship , arguing that the time spent away from the force was time spent in structural limbo , and it has become almost a common adage that time away is time lost in ‘ the promotion stakes ’ .
13 So through that dismal day Hugh Templar sat at his kitchen table and pursued the adventures of a team of space-travellers who had discovered a world directly behind the sun , which was a mirror-image of our own Earth , with the same physical composition , but with a rather different kind of population , a race having strange and , I hoped , thought-provoking ideas about how to run their planet …
14 As many of our readers are non-members we have included a page ‘ What is the NCT ’ .
15 I 've got a picture of the way I want us to play , and if I can get that picture in 15 heads we 've got a chance of playing the way we want to .
16 Over the last few months we 've had a number of queries from hobbyists concerning fish which they have bought for their community tanks , which despite advice from their dealer , have turned out to be most unsuitable for such a set up .
17 Th this type of thing until the , after the three months we had to pass an exam .
18 British Airways legal director Merwyn Walker says : ‘ For several months we have endured a campaign of very serious allegations made against us by Virgin and Branson .
19 Over the past 18 months we have launched a number of products offering opportunities for existing customers .
20 B : ‘ For about nine months we have had a succession of builders , surveyors and decorators trooping in and out .
21 Once students have achieved Compact goals they have gained an entitlement to an offer of employment from a Compact employer .
22 In Kee 's fine dark eyes he had read a call for help .
23 you think that if you work if you , if you think about it , in other words he has married a woman who is the mother of a wife of his father who he calls mother .
24 By the end of six months he had had a breakdown and was asked to leave .
25 But in the last few months he 's had a lot to cope with following the death of his best friend in a road accident .
26 In the last few months it has introduced a mortgage rescue package and plans to use empty flats above shops in a further bit to get waiting lists down .
27 There would clearly be great value in building further networks of local education authorities and teacher training institutions which have expressed an interest in particular languages , and which are prepared to exchange some of their insights and resources .
28 In the following paragraphs we look in more detail at the reasons which have encouraged a number of large manufacturers to start making or make greater use of temporary workers , at the terms and conditions under which these temporary workers are engaged , especially the forms of contract which are used , and at the characteristics of the temporary workers themselves .
29 In a recent article in a Dutch newspaper ( NRC Handelsblad 25.3.92 ) , Keune was quoted as saying that the paint was ‘ an industrial product with good properties for objects which have to endure a lot of wear and tear , but that it was not something to be used in restorations .
30 A person with a limited vocabulary can usually manage well in familiar surroundings but may experience difficulty , for instance when filling in many of the forms which have become a feature of our modern society such as an insurance form .
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