Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb past] n't [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Like Mr Evans 's eyes , Carrie thought , but apart from her eyes she did n't look in the least like a shopkeeper 's sister .
2 well he did n't wan na di discuss his hobbies you did n't wan na reveal any of yours .
3 When you went to the pictures you did n't want to be reminded of the problems that dogged you outside the cinema : jobs , children , money and so forth .
4 Alexander was a tall man with a thin , unsmiling face and black , cold eyes who did n't look as if he could possibly be anybody 's very dear friend .
5 But supporters who did n't apply through the proper channels could find themselves missing out on Billy Bingham 's swansong match .
6 words he did n't know with Manchester .
7 There were very few major countries I did n't visit during that time and travel was nothing like as easy as it is now .
8 It 's been downhill since those blokes who did n't play on Frankie Goes To Hollywood went .
9 In my early years I did n't differentiate between one kind of science and another .
10 I do n't think I 'll pie , you 're right put out mince pies we did n't win on the pools , I 've checked I 'll throw away the coupon or do you wan na see what you got ?
11 But in his later years he did n't come into the smithy until after breakfast .
12 ‘ There were lots of things I did n't know about , like advertisements , commercial films , catalogues .
13 Er , three things I did n't know about Dave .
14 This is Mark , erm , three things I did n't know about Mark .
15 He started off at Ramsbottom depot , er , a few things I did n't know about him .
16 Three things I did n't know about her , one , she 's painted a kid 's playroom in primary colours , red , yellow , blue and green , that 's gloss on walls etcetera .
17 Erm , three things I did n't know about John before , he was very mo , modest in pointing out that he was the top salesman twice before last year 's award , he was very quick to tell me that .
18 I might have to say things I did n't believe in .
19 Women died in childbirth , everyone succumbed more readily to disease and people still coveted things which did n't belong to them . ’
20 Perhaps you only forgot things you did n't want to be there in the first place .
21 10 things you did n't know about the Federation Cup
22 Twenty things you did n't know about business in 1989 …
23 ( What is this ? 57 things you did n't know about Pennie Smith ? — Ed ) .
24 10 things you did n't know about Damon Hill
25 But I got my own back — at the time I was writing a column for the Guardian , so I wrote '20 Things You Did n't Know About the Editor of The Sun ’ — the Editor of The Sun wears his pyjamas over his head and he has twelve daughters , all called Spot .
26 10 things you did n't know about the EC
27 The Times , the Financial Times , the Sun ( twenty things you did n't know about your favourite Jewish Momma — twenty things which , needless to say , I had never discussed with the Sun .
28 It tells you things you did n't know about yourself and leads you to act in new ways .
29 Right , so there are some things you did n't know about him .
30 By 1980 , the memory research community was reasonably sure about the things it did n't believe in .
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